How long for biopsy results? Is this standard?


I had my second smear on 3rd April. This came back 6 weeks later showing slightly abnormal cells and HPV infection. I have been referred for a colposcopy which is taking place next week. I am not scared about the procedure at all but the unknown!

I am particularly concerned that a biopsy will be taken and the time I will have to wait for the results. I get married in 7 weeks and cannot cope with having this hanging over me. I'm also concerned that another appointment for treatment will be made and how this could affect our wedding/honeymoon. My Mum had cancer (chemo and the rest) not that long ago so it has totally reopened that wound too. I know it's only 'slightly abnormal' but I am so frightened.

So I guess my question is: did you have treatment on the day? Did you have a biopsy? How long until you 'knew' what your treatment would be?

Thank you so much x


I had a biopsy this past Thursday. So a week today. I could keep too updated on when I do receive my results if you'd like. I didn't have any treatment on the day. Just for biopsy done. Sorry I don't have any other information for you. My smear was abnormal borde and HPV. Good luck x

Hi, please try not to worry I know it's hard though.

i had my colposcopy and they normally do treatment/biopsy at the same time. In my case it was lletz to remove abnormal cells And a couple of punch biopsies.

i healed very quick (1week) with very minimal blood/discharge, think I was very lucky.

The results took 4 weeks to come back for me.

im in Scotland, time scales might be different.

hope all goes well



I have been in the same boat recently. we god married few weeks before colposcopy. 

During my colposcopy visit the doctor had a look at the test and did the procedure to watch how many abnormal cells I have. I was diagnosed with CIN2.

As I use contraceptive patches, he said that the cervical area is wide and it is risky to do lletz under local anasthetics (if he moved  bit then he might hurt me). Also, they did not take any biopsy and it was taken 2 weeks later during my procedure under GA. 

I got my results 7 weeks after the operation and had my 2nd colposcopy few days ago as they did not big enough piece for biopsy. As my cervix is still healing, I will need to go back for another colposcopy in 3 months so they can make sure that all the cells are gone. 

I am based in Kent as I believe turnaround depends where you live. 

Hope all goes well. 


Just wanted to know what happened in the end with your results and how long they took and what the next steps were.

I recently had a cervical biopsy after showing abnormal cells in a smear and just curious as I too am hoping to book a holiday.