Hoping for a Miracle?

Hi All,

Hope you are all ok.

It’s been a while since I posted on here. To cut a long story short I was diagnosed in Oct 17, had a radical hysterectomy, opted for further treatment so myself and my partner were lucky enough to freeze two embryos.

We have been going through the surrogacy process and received the devastating news that our embryos didn’t survive the thawing process :cry:

Now I am looking for hope and a miracle!
I had 25 rounds of pelvic radiotherapy and 5 rounds of chemo…is there still a chance my eggs are useable?! I haven’t hit the menopause as far as I know so I’m thinking of going for test to find out if we can try again.

Does anybody have any information on this?

Thank you for any help x

Dear Sponge,

Firstly I’m sorry to hear about your cancer and all the treatment you’ve had; doubly sorry to hear that all your efforts for the embryos have been devastated by finding out they did not survive the process. This is always a chance of course.

Sadly, the answer to your question is that the radiotherapy will have destroyed your fertility. It would indeed be a miracle if any eggs survived - and if there are eggs, that they were viable and undamaged. There is some information about this on the Jo’s trust info pages I believe, and there is a another cancer charity that deals with questions of fertility after cancer treatment.

We can hear how important it is to you to have a family, but it sounds like it may be time for you to start considering other ways to fulfil your dream. What has happened to you is horrible and (for all of us) totally undeserved, but it has happened, just as if you could have been infertile naturally there are other options to have children. There is a helpline and other resources available here:


I hope you will have your miracle of parenthood, even if it’s not in the way you had hoped. X