High grade (severe) dyskaryosis and HPV+


I'm just looking for a bit of reassurance I guess and to hear other people's experiences because I'm freaking out! All of my previous smears have been fine. A couple of months late for this one due to Covid. I had my smear on 01/07 and received my results today (14/07) with high grade (severe) dyskaryosis and HPV positive. Waiting for a colposcopy letter. Can anyone please let me know how they got on in a similar situation please as I'm driving myself mad here already! X 


I hope you are ok.

So the best thing is that you know.

You can deal with what you know, thats what I have found anyway.

Try not to panic, I know its hard but you can do it.

M x


Thank you for messaging me back. I'm feeling a bit calmer today :) x 

Hi Ali,

I had the same results recently for my smear & had my Colposcopy appointment on Monday. They're really good & talk you through everything & suggest treatment there & then if they see high grade changes. I ended up having the LLETZ treatment & once they've put local anaesthetic on its just a weird sensation rather than painful.
I found the whole process to be uncomfortable rather than painful, but they try their best to put you at ease & distract you by talking about general things. 
Do you have your date for the Colposcopy yet?x