High grade dyskaryosis

Very worried! But am I over reacting!? 

I'm 27, ive been with bf for 5 years and been on contraceptive pill for 5 years. I've always had very easy periods. 3 wks on pill... 1 weeks off and only on period for 24hrs and very light. 

Then in January I all of a sudden had a big dark bleed, during my pill pack. I left it for 24hrs and then called  the doctors... He said chances were it was a miscarriage. Anyway I bleed for 7days. In that time I called docs and arranged a smear test.   admittedly very late for my age Sad I had smear test 2 wks ago. The nurse was lovely. When she was doing it, she said she needed to get a doctor. The doctor said I had a very pink cervix.... What does this mean?

Anyway... I've been worrying since, as knew it was not normal for a doctor to be called in.... Then yesterday (Saturday) I received a letter saying I have high grade dyskaryosis:-( 

What is this? 

I need  a colposcopy which I have read about online, so I think I know what to expect... I haven't got the date for this yet... How long will that take? 

Also I've been bleeding after sex... Which I also mentioned to the doctor, but I put that down to the miscarriage 

I'm really worried... What are usually the outcomes from a high grade dyskaryosis? 

Sorry I've realised I've gone on abit now. I've made out to the bf, that I'm not worried. But after 24hrs, I really m. .... Thankyou to anyone for your comments Happy 

Hi Roxi,

Sorry to hear you are going through this. You are not alone and there are lots of ladies on here to help .

To shed a bit of light on this...high grade means you have pre cancerous  cells on your cervix. Cin 1,2 ,3 means low, medium or high pre cancerous cells.  Not sure what the very pink cervix means but this will relate to the pre cancerous cells.

So next the colposcopy- this will take about 15 minutes. The consultant will want to have a better look at your cervix. They will use a speculum like a smear test and use the colposcope to view the cervix. They may want to take a biopsy..tiny piece of the cervix to check it. Maybe bring someone with you if you think you may feel a bit uncomfortable  after.

Outcomes would usually be lletz-a treatment to remove the cells. This is done under local but sometimes general  anesthetic. If they do it under local they may offer it to you the same day as the colposcopy. Otherwise it would be a separate day appointment.  


Hope this helps.


Thankyou for your reply.. 

Omg... Pre cancerous cells... That's a bit scary! 

Ive never been to hospital for anything, been very lucky there! 

So I don't think that helps, and that's why petrified of going to hospital! 

im hoping the app for the colposcopy will come soon. 

As im sooo worried about this... 

Silly they send u a letter first... Without the date on it haha... 



Hi Roxi

Pre cancerous is good. This means it has been caught early and is treatable. I know exactly how you feel as i was in your position in November. Never had a cough or a cold never mind anything else. 

Take everything  one step at a time. The colposcopy is no very different  to having a smear. Try not to google to much either.

Fingers crossed for you


Thankyou.... Think just scary hearing the word cancer.... 

i was googling, but now found this site, Wont ba anymore :-) 

can I ask? How did people feel after the colposcopy? Not sure weather to book the whole day... Or plan to go back after!? 

Also, if yoube has treatment, how did u feel after that too? 



Hey Roxi,

So when I had the colposcopy I booked the rest of the day off. Came home and got into bed with my water bottle. For me it was like period cramping but was gone by the next day. You may bleed a little if they take a biopsy.

Also the LLETZ- again eveyone is diferent. I had mine before Christmas so I had 2 and a half weeks off anyway. I rested a lot which I felt I needed. I did have mine under general anesthetic so if you having it under local would possibly be different.

This thread is full of different ladies experiances of LLETZ.

Michelle x

Hi! I've been through both and tbh bounced back pretty quickly. Both my appointments were late afternoon so I had the afternoon off work. 


My first colposcopy/biopsy was on a Friday so I had the weekend off anyway, I'd booked the Monday off too just in case but went in as I felt fine. Afterwards I didn't have any pain and a little bleeding. I went straight from my appointment into town for dinner and out the following night (probably not recommended!). 


For my lletz I again booked the next day off, and didn't go in.. But I was fine, just taking advantage of the situation. I spent the day chilling at home and also ran a few errands in town. I didn't have any pain and aside from the enormous pad I was wearing I felt completely normal. I was back to work on the Tuesday. I have had an annoying clear fluid constantly leaking out since my lletz but that's my only symptom. 


I know a lot of girls experience period-like cramps, but I haven't really had any. I've felt the odd twinge and at times my cervix feels a bit hot (?) but that's probably normal and I'm just associating it with the procedures. I'd say book the rest of the day off for your colposcopy and maybe explain that you might not be in the following day. Everyone reacts differently to these things and it's better to warn work than call in sick at the last minute. 


Best of luck! I'm sure it'll all be fine for you! 

Hi Roxi. I had the colposcopy and LLETZ (for CIN 3) on the same day. I had a 2pm appointment, so just took a half day from work. Was fine the next day, except for period like cramps, but I dont take time off when I have my period! I did have to visit the loo regularly though to check if I had started to bleed. Becuase of the pain, it was hard to tell. I never did though.

Thankyou everyone for your comments. 

My appointment come today and its for tomorrow.... Scared now! 

As sooooo quick... 

But please it's here quick too... 



Hi Im going through the same thing at the min I went for my smear on the 31st Oct 2016 I got a letter on Friday the 11th Nov telling me I've got high grade dyskaryosis I've got to go to hospital on tue 15th  for a colposcopy is this normal to be this quick thanks stacey