high grade dyskariosis

Hi all I’m new to all this 5 years ago I had mild dyskariosis which resulted in a 6 month check up then 2 a year apart all fine
I have just had my 1st regular 3 yearly smear and it’s come back showing high grade (moderate) dyskariosis I have got an appointment for Monday for a colposcopy (I think that’s what it’s called) I have had loads of leaflets come from the hospital but I’m still scared and can’t make any sense of it. I am barely sleeping and can burst into tears at nothing and I know I’m not the only 1 going through this but any advice would be greatly appreciated

Hi Sarahw81

I'm sort of in the same boat as you - but all my smears were clear until the last one there in July and came back with same result as you.  I had my colposcopy this morning and it wasn't that bad - of course it's not particularly pleasant or comfortable but it is bearable.  So far any side effects have been mild but emotionally I feel drained.  

The hardest part is the worrying and waiting.  And despite people telling you not worry it's very hard not too so I know how you feel. But we are lucky really - basically if left untreated these abnormal cells might go on to develop into cancer. Or with our grading there is also the possibility they could return to normal.  

At this stage this is all preventative rather than "treatment" for anything nasty. The chances of it being anything sinister is extremely low but I know it's hard sometimes to not think the worst. The best thing is to try and keep busy and keep your mind if it.  We are in good hands now even if it might not seem it!  

The information on this site is much better than any of the leaflets I received.  And it's always there if you need to ask a question or just share. 

take care and try not to worry to much - seems like this is a lot more common than we realise.