Hemorrhaging after Colposcopy

Hello all.

So I wrote on here a few weeks back and asked what on earth happened with my colposcopy as I wasn't really given a lot of info by my consultant.

Fast forward two weeks.. No results yet and suddenly out of nowhere I start hemorrhaging blood and clots.  Three times I went to the toilet within fifteen minutes and all I can describe is a fountain of blood with big bright red clots come out. I have finished my period three days ago.

I rang 111 who booked me an out of hours appointment, I see a lovely gp who examines me and sends me up to gyne..who also do a pregnancy test and an examination of my cervix..who says my cervix looks OK and prescribes me keflax and another antibiotics. And the pregnancy test comes back negative. 

I asked what it could be and he said 'your cervix could be infected after the colposcopy or you've done too much since having your colposcopy.'

Could it be an infection even though I haven't had any other symptoms, felt well, blood pressure absolutely fine if not a tiny bit on the low side and he said the cervix looks OK?

I suffer endometriosis, I asked if it could be that and he said it could be that as well but more than likely something to do with the colposcopy. Sounds ridiculous but I actually took a photo of some of the amount of blood that I lost and the gp even said 'that's quite a significant amount of blood loss' 

I'm getting sick go the back teeth of this now, can anyone tell me if they have had this sudden spurge of bright red blood after a colposcopy after a week. It was nothing like a period. 

I haven't had any results from the colposcopy yet. I'm frightened to go to the toilet because it might happen again.


Hope someone can clarify. 

Thank you x

Hello Lyz,

i hope you're feeling better now. I had a very similar experience a couple of weeks after my LLETZ. Really horrid and scary and no other real symptoms or explanation.

Having said that, it was pretty much ok after that. I was a bit sore all over again for a week or so after the mega bleed,but slowly all the weird discharge went away and I've been all good for a couple of years now.

My results showed CIN3 but the removed it all and at six months i was clear of abnormalities and HPV.

I hope things pan out similarly well for you, but I don't in anyway belittle what a traumatic experience your body and you brain have been through - it's scary when things feel out of control, so make sure you take care of yourself x

Thankyou so much this has helped. Finished antibiotics today and the weird discharge you mention has gone. Hoping to get results back very shortly! X