Help, waiting for results

Hello, I know there isn’t anything anyone can do to help but I’m beginning to feel very down whilst waiting for my biopsy results. The last few days I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to go to work. I had a colposcopy on the 13th of this month. There were areas the nurse could not see and I was also finding it incredibly painful so I returned the 21st for a lletz treatment under a GA. The nurse on my first visit looked very serious and said it looked to her to be more than pre-cancerous. After the procedure last week the Dr said she had sent biopsies off as urgent which is 7-10 days, she said she couldn’t tell be looking what was going on. It will be 7 days today but I wonder if the junior Drs strike will slow things down. I don’t know how to cope with this waiting any more. I am a student nurse on long day placements and have just started a new one this week so I don’t have anyone there I can confide in, I don’t want to go in tomorrow but I know i have to. whatever the result is I just need to know. Thanks for reading


I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this. The waiting is the hardest part.  Your imagination is running riot and you're in shock. I have found that this forum is packed with women who know exactly how you feel and have experienced exactly what you are going through. It helps to come on here and share.  You'll get tons of support and understanding and it helps.  It really does.  

I'm trying hard to focus on the facts that I have and not let myself jump ahead with speculation and what ifs. I'm not always successful but I'm trying. 

Fingers crossed that everything is OK.


Thanks for replying Teresa. I have to go back and see the consultant tomorrow so fingers crossed!