Heavy bleeding after LLETZ - my story


I just wanted to share my story after what happened to me after my LLETZ. This forum was the only place I found that had support and stories from others and that really helped me through a scary situation (longish story; with loads of bleeding, seek help if you feel somethings not quite right)

I had LLETZ treatment after a positive CIN3 biopsy. Had no problems after the biopsy itself.

For the first week after LLETZ everything was fine, then came my period (a couple of days early as i am very regular but was aware things might be a bit out of sync) I normally have 5 days, heavy on day 2 but always done by day 5. Day 3 i was bleeding a lot more than normal. Looked for some advise at this forum and realised not too unusual first period is heavy after LLETZ. Day 5 still bleeding even more lot and small clots were coming out. Was changing pads very frequently but not soaking through. The nurse during my treatment had said if anything unusual contact your GP and apart from the amount of blood, it was fresh blood not like what you get on your period. I got an appointment on the Saturday afternoon. Bleeding was heavy but sort of under control. GP saw me and called the gynecologist for advise and sent me off to hospital (a&e). After 5 hours of waiting in hospital (first a&e for triage and bloodtest, then gynae ward) the doctor saw me, did an examination, said I was probably congested ‘up there’ and couldn’t see any obvious bleeding so sent me home with antibiotics.

Sunday the bleeding got worse. Dripping and huge blood clots everything I went to the loo. Soaking a pad an hour or so. The night was a literal nightmare. So much blood and I couldn’t sleep for having to constantly change pad.

Went to GP Monday morning (having to go buy maximum pads first) and now was soaking through a pad every 30 mins. GP sent me home whilst trying to get hold of hospital. After an hour got a call back to tell me to go to hospital (a&e again). Pad soaked in the 30 minute drive, and my the time I got to a&e I had a breakdown sitting with the triage nurse. I was so scared. Blood was dripping and clots coming out bigger every time (biggest was size of a ping pong ball, yes not very nice I know)
After a pass with the A&E doctor I got clotting drip (to atrempt to make the bleesing stop) and was sent to gynae ward. A further 3 hours later I finally got to see the doctor there. She did an examination with a specialist and said she hadn’t expected that much bleeding, couldn’t see an obvious vessel leaking and eventually was treated with a compression up there. Was given a catheter and admitted to hospital with more iv drips of antibiotics and clotting meds.
The compression was taken out midmorning and at lunch bleeding hadn’t started again so was allowed to eat. More IV drugs and was finally released that evening.
Have been home now for a week and although there is some bleeding (not fresh blood more like the discharge they say you will have) I’m on the mend.
Was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. Thankfully have a husband that has been an absolute star.
Fingers xd this is the end of it (haven’t actually had my LLETZ pathology results yet).

Long story but thought I’d share as it hopefully can help someone, somewhere in the future.

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That sounds awful, sorry you experinced all of that...but Thank You for sharing I have taken note1 I had colposcopy today and an area of 2/3 removed...I was starting my period so there is blood from that but i have also had clots which i never have with a period so will keep an eye on it.


Hope everything has gone OK for you! x