Have now had first biopsy

Hi, I'm new here and looking for others to relate to.

***EDIT***- since writing the below, I got my results and was asked to go back to have a biopsy done. I had this done today. Just one tissue sample taken. Will get results in 4 weeks 

I had my first smear at normal invite age and had HPV and abnormal cells so went for colposcopy which was all fine, but they wanted me to go back in 12 months. Second colposcopy all fine and had smear test done at same time. Results showed I still had HPV so was invited back for colposcopy in 12 months. 

Recently had the 3rd colposcopy and smear. There were some white patches this time but all looked fine with the dye on. Just waiting for the smear results which are due any day now.

I'm 26 (27 in Nov) and I don't (personally) know anyone that has had abnormal smears, or even been for a colposcopy.

I'd like to know if anyone can relate, especially if you are my age, but I'd also like to know how many colposcopies people have had in a row? I'm a bit worried about my smear test results this time round as the body normally fights off HPV after 2 years and I'm worried I'll still have it.



Hey, sorry to hear what you're going through, it's definitely nerve-wracking going back again and again. I'm in roughly the same boat, and have been going back for colposcopies every six months for two years, since I have CIN1. I've just turned 30, and got my first abnormal test at 27.

I gained a lot by being honest in my last session - the nurses asked how I was and I said it was taking a toll on my mental health, coming back over an extended period, and not knowing why my body couldn't clear it (I have no HPV anymore but still have CIN1). They were very kind, and reassured me that it's all normal to keep observing it and the best thing is that they know it's there and we can keep an eye on it together. Much better than the alternative - some people don't turn up for their smear tests and don't know what's happening within their body.

You're definitely not alone in this. :) It's probably also the case that many women keep it a secret - I haven't told many people, even some of my close friends, about mine - there might be more people out there than you think :)

Good luck with the results, hope it goes well xx

Hey, if it helps I also have been trying to rally around finding any of my friends who are in a similar position. I'm HPV positive, low grade dyskaryosis on my latest smear (last one before that was 3 years ago and nothing was picked up). I've gone for my colposcopy and had 3 biopsies now waiting for my results. I'm 29, and was more confused as well as I've been with my partner for 6 years ... now have read about HPV can lie dormant for years. 
Ultimately... you are not alone! And I really wish all girls opened up more as I'm sure I am (and you are) not the only one in my group of friends that would have gone through this. Hope your biopsies come back ok x

I had my first one on Sunday and I had a punch biopsy I am 28 I am now awaiting for my results but I am scared about it