Handling worry

Wow! Anybody else finding it really hard not to stress about waiting for their results etc?
I know after my Lletz on Tuesday, I only have to wait until Friday for the results but I can’t get it out of my mind.
No matter how much I try to tell myself that it will all be ok (and everybody else tells me the same) there is just that big ‘what if’ hanging over me.

I wish my doctors had been more forthcoming with information so I could relax a bit!
Oh well. 6 days!

The waiting sucks! I'm a year on and I still can't cope with the waiting. It's very difficult not to think of the what ifs! Surprisingly I have found I've coped pretty well with bad news, what I can't cope with is not knowing. I'm pretty much sat at my door waiting for the post every day at the moment. Good luck, I hope they come soon! Xx

Thank you Jojo. I was told my appointment date when I was still in hospital after the Lletz, so at least I am not jumping at each phone call or letter through the door as I was between biopsy and Lletz. 

I'm pretty good at dealing with stuff, but like you said it is the waiting. I never thought I had a particularly over active imagination before now.

Good old imagination! I bet you're counting down the days, try and find some nice things to keep yourself busy in the meantime :) xx

Thank you! Good luck with your results too! Hope they come soon!