Had 3 biopsies but no treatment at first appointment


I had my smear 1 year ago which came back HPV positive. Then this year my smear came back HPV positive with abnormal cell changes.

I had my colopscopy and she has said that I had 3 quadrants with abnormal cells. She thinks its 2 low grade but 1 high grade and did 3 pulse biopsies.
She then said my results will be 4 weeks roughly but that it has to go to MDT meeting as well.

Should I be concerned that 1. They didnt do treatment straight away 2. That it has to go to MDT meeting before they will treat me?


Hi, my best guess is that they are checking what they’re dealing with first before they start treatment. My understanding of an MDT is that several people will look at the results of your biopsies, so it’s not down to one person to make all the decision (and possibly make the wrong call).
I know it’s a worry, but try to stay busy and positive and know that whatever they say it’s all 100% doable. There’s lots of support on here and stay away from google! Xx

Thank you for your reply.

Yea I mean I always say stay away from google. But bit too late :woman_facepalming::rofl:
Mind is running wild. Need to take ny own advice lol.

Its just the unknown, think because the letter came back with high grade changes and the leaflet provided said treatment was highly likely I had built myself up for them to just take it away and instead ended up with 3 biopsies and not much more answers.

Thanks though xx