Found out, it's CC. Please help.

Hi everyone,

So got the bad news today, I have CC. I've been told it's at least 1B and had my MRI today and will get my staging on Thurs morn. The radiologist got really awkward and shaky when I asked her how it looked. She looked shocked tbh. As if she'd seen something really bad. 

My physical symptoms were 2 occasions of post coital bleeding in May/June. I have lost a lot of weight but it could be stress. Can any of you ladies tell me, if it was Stage 3, would I have had more symptoms? Not to get too graphic but my bowel movements have been softer than usual in the past few months. My fear is it's spread to the bowel. 

I have been told that I almost definitely will never carry a child because my treatment will be Radio or Hyst. My plan (as much as I've been able to make a plan) is to have my eggs frozen. 

I'm fairly in shock, I know so many of you have gone through this. I am very scared. 

If any of you can help to answer my q about Stage 3 it'd be great and please BE HONEST. I'd rather be prepared. 


Hi! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and it's truly a scary time. You are lucky in that things seem to move quickly for you and you'll know on Thursday what the treatment will be, don't panic, the speed has little to do with the seriousness of a situation I'm sure.

I'm not an expert but from what I've read they would most likely be able to see the tumour during the colposcopy already if it was stage 2 or worse. You also wrote in the previous post that your ultrasound hasn't shown anything, so that's a good indicator of an early stage.. Depending on the type of your cancer and the cell you might still be able to have a less radical surgery, but of course your consultant will discuss this with you on Thursday.

I also had strange bowel behavior for a few months before the diagnosis, but it turned out to be nothing and is now normal again..

Also please don't read too much into medical staff behaviour-I swear the things they said to me made me think the worst, but again it was just a poor choice of words on their side. Also the radiologists never can give you an indication of how it looks and perhaps you asking stressed them and caused the reaction.. 

I know it's easier said than done, but try to remain positive, all you've written so far points to an early stage..

Many hugs!

xx Anna

Hi Maeve, Imy sorry you are here and with a cc diagnosis, but it's a fab place to get support and answers.

I was diagnosed with a stage 3 earlier this year and  yes I had a lot more symptoms. Almost constant heavy bleeding unless on drugs to surpress it, bleeding during and after every intimate moment. I was also in constant pain in the pelvic area and needed strong pain killers daily. I'm not sure that everyone has the same but that was my experience. 

My gynea also stated on the first appointment that it was large and visable to the naked eye. The scans etc were just to see the extent and plan treatment. 

I know it's hard but please try not to worry too much. You don't have to wait long for your staging and it  strangle does seem to get easier when you know what your facing. 

If anything pops into your head, write it down and take it with you as it's easy to forget things on the day. 

Good luck and stay strong and positive xx