Feeling overwhelmed with recent diagnosis

Hi all,

I was told on Tuesday that my punch biopsy was cancer, and the Dr was very sympathetic and said how sorry she was, I went in for a lletz on Wednesday and she said it would be another 2-4 weeks for results, she said she couldn’t get everything with the lletz procedure and the area where the cancer is was large. She told me to prepare for a hysterectomy and I am waiting for staging and grading. I don’t really know what I am asking but it’s been a whirlwind and no one else really understands. And my mind is in overdrive.

Syra x

So sorry to hear this, but please have faith. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer on 2.11 and am now 2 weeks post hysterectomy- a total whirlwind and all quite scary but I’m in a better position now. My lletz removed cancer but there were other cells detected so I had total robotic hysterectomy with ovaries and tubes removed too. This was a shock but one I can cope with. The op was tough especially just afterwards and the early days but recovering slowly and surely. Good luck, happy to answer any questions you have. x

Also get the mind in overdrive! That’s the worst bit! Speak to someone at maggies or macmillan if you can

Thanks so much for your reply, this place is so helpful. It’s just a crazy situation x

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Look after yourself and make sure your family do too! Rest is so important- I had no idea I had cancer but I’ve had a hugely stress filled 18 months which I’m sure has weakened my immune system and made me exhausted!