dyskaryosis and hpv...help!!!

My results from my smear came back low grade dyskaryosis and i have hpv.. i am booked in for a coloscopy on friday.. am so scared..will i have treatment on friday ?? Or will i have to come back ?? What will happen.. i am 29 years old and this is my first smear.. any advice would help please ladys.x

Hi Katy, if you have low grade dyskariosis/mild changes hopefully colposcopy will just be to have a closer look and confirm, then they may ask to see you 6 monthly or yearly for your smears to keep an eye on you. They usually only do treatment for moderate or severe changes. As for the hpv it's a very common virus just try and do all you can to boost your immune system and hopefully you will clear it. Try taking a multivitamin with folic acid, healthy diet, green tea and if you smoke really try and stop as smoking is known to effect the cervix. Don't be scared about colposcopy itself, it's really just like a smear just having a closer look with the camera so not painful or anything like that x

My friend has just been for a coloposcy after recieving the same results as me..they told her to stop smoking and come back in 6 months for a repeat smear. My appointment is tomorrow morning.i dont smoke but i am not the most healthy person i have bought some vitamins and have been taking them everyday in hope they will get rid of the hpv, requarding the low grade dyskariosis i will let u no how i get on..i am scared but after reading stories on here i feel much better x

Hi Katy, I know it's easier said than done but please dont worry. The nurses at colposcopy are usually super friendly (I held one of their hands throughout the examination lol) and it's over within 10 minutes or so. You can also look at the screen and they can talk you through what their seeing - although I chose to keep my eyes shut! You're doing the right thing with taking vitamins and remember you're in safe hands. Please do let us know how you get on.xx

Ok so ive left hospital they took a biopsty which was a little uncomfy but i feel fine so i am going in work. Ive gota wait 4-6 weeks for the results if they come back i need treatment i will go back for the leep, ive kinda set my mind that i am going to need it i dont understand why they couldnt do it then because she said there are mild changes.

Hi Katy - glad that's all over and done with! The wait can be a pain so just try to keep busy while you wait for the results. You might not necessarily need treatment. I was confirmed as CIN2 after biopsy (after first having a borderline result at smear) and the doctors have agreed a 'watch and wait' approach so I'm going back in 4 months for a repeat colposcopy.xx