Don't understand my LLETZ results :(

I got my results for after my LLETZ yesterday and they said that:
“the biopsy confirmed CIN3”

what does this mean?
that I still have CIN3?

if I still have CIN3 why do I have to wait 6months for another smear? :frowning:

Hiya xmillie sorry your still worrying. When you have the lletz this is to remove any of the cells at the same time as taking your biopsy so try not to worry. Your 6 month smear is just to check that they aren't returning xx

Hi there.  This is completely normal. When they do your Lletz, they send what is removed away to the lab, so that they can check there are clear margins and also to confirm the Level of CIN. Some people may have suspected CIN 3 for example but after the lletz they can see that it was actually CIN 2. So In your case they have confirmed the suspicion that it was CIN 3.

They ALWAYS do a colposcopy 6 months after treatment to make absolute sure you are cured.  they often also test for HPV during the 6 month post lletz check up.

So I would say this is great news and no need to worry. 

hope that helps.