Diagnosed with HPV no.16 (high risk type)

Hi all, I'm 25 years old and I just found out from my doctor after running HPV test that I'm a carrier of virus HPV no. 11 and no.16 and this later is considered as a high risk type of HPV that might cause cervical cancer. I want to do a screen as advised by the doctor however I don't want to consider a Pap test as I'm still a virgin. Are there any other test that can be done to detect cervical cancer other than the Pap. Thanks. Your help are much appreciated. Reta.

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Hi Reta


Unfortunately i dont have an answer for you but i think they want to check the hpv hasnt caused any abnormal cell growth on your cervix, only by having a look will they see this but please do as your doctor to make sure.

Sending a hug X