Diagnosed last Tuesday mri today

Hi my name is Helen I live near Bradford I was diagnosed last Tuesday with grade two squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix I have my mri today I am really scared x

Hello Helen I know exactly how you feel. I thought I would be dead in a few months. Cervical cancer isn't like that. It is very slow growing and the Dr's know how to treat it very well. There is no urgency to get things done and they must work out where it is exactly to choose the best treatment. So a plethora of tests CAT scans, PET scans MRI's blood tests. It's quite overwhelming but sort of interesting too. That is of course after the shock. Everyday I cried for 12 months because my life had changed and fear for the future. The statistics are that you will probably be cured. Such a lovely word. There are lots of options for treatment so don't despair and don't google - big mistake and led to my blackest moments. I'm still here and life is pretty good. You need to get your fear under control. Come here to rant there are many good listeners Jayne

Thankyou so much for your reply x

Hi Helen. 

We have all been where you are right now and know just how scared you truly are. But take a huge deep breath and relax your tense shoulders for just a minute. Cc is curable as Jayne has mentioned and you will be ok. The next month or so will be quite busy with appointments and such but you will come out on the other side with a smirk on your face because you did it. We are all here for you anytime for any question or rant. You are not alone in this. 

Sending you a big hug!!!!

Thankyou so much x

Hi Helen :-)

Welcome to the forum :-) Sorry for your diagnosis but it does at least allow you to join our very exclusive little club here ;-) As Jayne and Lolli have said, this is a very curable cancer but keep well away from Google. What I think needs to be added are that there are several different treatments for this depending upon your specific case but whatever your treatment plan turns out to be, all of the treatments are surprisingly doable. Bring all you questions and worries here and we will do all we can to help and support you :-)

Be lucky :-)

P.S. Jayne, is that your new puppy? So sweet! I would just have to cuddle that all the time! Couldn't let go! :-)

Thankyou so much for your reply Tivoli really gratefull for your knowledge and advice I get my results of mri next weds xx

Hi Tiv Yes thats the new puppy Ruby Couldn't be happier. It's the little pleasures. Jayne

Ruby? Ruby? Wow! That name holds a very special place in my heart!


Hi Helen

sorry to hear your diagnosis,I too am/was stage 2b squamous and have just finished treatment. The other ladies have already said it all,and they were a godsend to me when I was first diahnosed. Try and keep calm,I know its easier said than done. The next few weeks will keep you you busy with scans and tests etc. Once you het your treatment plan in place you will feel so much better. keep coming in here and they will keep you cheered up. 

Lolli,when is your checkup?

tracey xxx

Thankyou very much for your reply Tracey xx

You are welcome. I really should check for spelling mistakes before i hit send haha x