Diagnosed in November, still no treatment

Hi everyone, I’m new here and looking for some advice from all you ladies.

I had an abnormal smear in August 19, had Lletz in September that showed Cin3 and Cgin. Repeated Lletz 6 weeks later which confirmed cc on 18th November. Had an MRI and it was confirmed as 1B1. Was referred to another hospital for treatment and have been for my first appointment today. Will be having a radical hysterectomy with ovaries removed and advised to use HRT.

Was told it could be another 4 weeks before they operate. I am so worried about waiting another month as it’s been going on so long already. Anyone else waited so long or have any advice?



I found this link for cancer waiting times, on the Cancer Research UK website, which I think is relevant for your situation (assuming you are in the UK):


You could call your clinical nurse specialist to discuss your concerns.

Take care



Hi Tracy K

I understand how worried you must be and the waiting is certainly the worst.  I was diagnosed 1B1 on the 13th May 2019 and didn't have my surgery until the 3rd Sept 2019, so about 4 months from diagnosis to treatment.  Hope this helps x

I was 8 weeks from diagnosis to treatment and this time frame included laparoscopic surgery before treatment started. I hope you found the link Jazza posted above helpful. Four months does seem a little long to wait but maybe the timings have something to do with stage. 

X Maria

Thanks everyone, I've looked at the link and my 62 days will be up this week but the specialist nurse is going to phone me tomorrow so I will mention it to her. 

It's nice to know there's other people waited so long and everything turned out well. A little reassurance goes a long way smile

Thank you!