Newly confused

Hi ladies,
I was diagnosed on Monday with cervical cancer. I can honestly say it was a massive shock as up until Monday I was only told I had abnormal cells and that didn’t meant hey were cancerous. I kinda feel like I missed something along the way!
I know very little about it- they mentioned stage 1b but beyond that very little. I am waiting for an mri date but I would love to know from diagnosis to treatment beginning how long it took? Everything has been quite vague! Is this normal?thanks for any help you can give


Hi Ally x

i had a smear after having a very nasty discharge .1 week later result came back as very high CGIN . 1 week later had LLETZ . Was diagnosed with CC 1b1 at least . Pathology suggested no lymph node and no spread .2 days later had MRI , 9days later 1st consultation , 5 days later exploratory op on bowels , bladder ,cervix , now waiting for RH date . Once there is s diagnosis there is a timeline they adhere to in the UK . 

My head is still spinning but I've been assured that this stage is curable xxx


Hi Ally

im sorry about your diagnosis. Where you are at this moment in this journey is the worst part  it's so very scary and so hard to understand everything. Once you know what the treatment plan is you will feel better  

I got my results from my lletz procedure on June 20 and I officially started my treatment on July 18. That month in between i had an mri, CT, clinical staging/met oncoligy team,my radiation planning/markers placed and a chemo information class and blood work done 2-3 times. I also got a nutritionalist, had 2 appointments with a natural path and found a massage therapist who specializes in cancer patients. So I was very busy  

at this time(while you are waiting for all the tests) it seems super slow  but don't worry your cancer is not spreading or getting the upper hand. Try to keep healthy and eat great as you will need your strength. Also, try to sleep as much as you can because you will be more able to cope and be stronger emotionally   

Start a little diary of appoinments and questions you would like your dr to answer. Take someone with you to the dr appointments as you will need a support person, especially when you are first staged  

don't worry about the unknowns, as it's the facts that matter. Stay away from Google as it will confuse and scare you even more. 

Ask Your questions here as all the women are very experienced and supportive, no question is too small or silly  

when I was first diagnosed I felt the same as you, like I missed something  how did I end up with having cancer? It's such a weird experience isn't!!!  Stay positive cc is very treatable!!! You can do this!! 




Hi Ally :-)

Welcome to the forum! Sorry for your diagnosis but very happy that you have found us here. From now on, as Lolli has said, keep well away from Google and ask all your questions on here. Super-helpful comments from both Lolli and Micthom above :-) Nothing in particular that I can add at this stage but no doubt we'll see more of each other over the next few weeks :-)

Be lucky :-)

Thanks ladies, it's good to know others are I the same position. To be honest I'm getting round the idea of having cancer and know I've good chances but it's the treatment. i know I've been recommended for a radical hysterectomy and the idea of having no more kids is heartbreaking. I'm a single parent so I'm not in the position to get pregnant even if everything was fine. I'm hoping the doctors will help me get my head around it

Hi Ally

I'm just a bit further on than you. Colposcopy end of July and was told there and then it didnt look good. Biopsy results and MRI all within 2 weeks and they told me the results on the phone as they were pleased it was early stages. I was relieved it was treatable without chemo/radiotherapy but a Hysterectomy is is still life changing and like you I wanted more children (1 yr old daughter).

I then waited nearly 2 weeks to see the Oncology team and in the meantime was hopeful i might be able to have a Trachelectomy but when I saw the team they confirmed the cancer was 'just' over the recommended 2cm (2.4 cm to be exact) and it was my choice. What a choice! I cant justify the risk of reccurrance when i have a beautiful daughter and lovely partner, so was devastated all over again. They then told me my surgery date is a week today (gulp!) I thought I would have at least 2 weeks but its that or the 26th, another month, and that just seems to long to wait (but 2 months from diagnosis to surgery seems common looking on these forums). All in all its no time to get your head round the diagnosis and surgery.

My postive experience I can offer so far is that i didnt want to tell anyone but now that i have, the love and support I got back is astounding and helps a lot - just remember people have very different initial reactions! and they all want to help and will be so please to do something for you, but you might have to be specific about what you want/need, otherwise they will stay away because thats what they think you want. Even just reading on Jo's forums is fantastic support and makes us realise we are not alone. I'm currently just so scared of having the operation as i have never had general anesthetic  - they may have to tie me down!!

Good luck with everything!


Thanks for your reply Amy, it really is nice to hear from others. From what I've been told it's only 9mm so I am interested to hear what they will say. Found out I have my mri next week Which is good to hear. Although as a single parent I don't know if I could risk anything other than a hysterectom. Ironically I left my husband because he wouldn't have any more kids but I've only been seeing my current partner for 10months so not really in a position to discuss kids etc! my little girl is a star though so very lucky

Hi Ally

It's likely you will have the option of a Trachelectomy - if your cancer is 9mm and they dont see any other issue. In theory the low recurrence risks are very similar between a Trachelectomy and Hysterectomy for small Stage 1 CC. It is a completely personal decision though and I have seen other ladies on this forum opt for hysterectomy with very early stage CC. For me, I was so focused on my fertility when I was first told I had CC, I think I was trying to block out the fact I had cancer. I'm slowly realising that the most important thing is that I'm here for my family, not that i cant have more children - even writing that I'm thinking I sound mad that its a 'slow realisation!'

Good luck with the rest of your journey - they say just after diagnosis is the scariest time, when you have a plan it will feel a bit better xx

Thanks! I just want to get to that but where I talk to them! Hope everything goes ok for you too