
Hi all


I've just hady second colposcopy 3 weeks ago and still waiting on results. I know I have HPV. But every letter I received after smears just advises there has been minor changes. I am wonder how you find out more specific info on what you have eg 'high risk..'. would it tell me in the letters if I did? 


They've told me it's likely due to the HPV but it's all so confusing.




Hi there, I am not entirely sure, but can tell you that my letter after my smear said 'high grade dyskariosis' and the letter I received after my colposcopy biospy said I would assume that if they found anything like that, they would put it in the letter. 

If you telephone the colopscopy clinic after you get feedback from them, they should be able to answer your questions.

Hope it all goes well for you!