Follow up appt after colposcopy with no further info?!

Two years ago I received my first pap smear (at 24 through a private health screen). The pap smear found I was HPV+ and had mild dyskaryosis, so my GP referred me to a colposcopy. The colposcopy found CIN 1 and told me to come back for another one in a years time. I ended up leaving the country for a bit so missed the colposcopy, and assumed that the cells would return to normal, as the doctor reassured me. 


Now I'm over 25, I was invited for my first cervical screen on the NHS earlier this year. Again, the smear test found I had low grade dyskaryosis but this time they found I was positive for high-risk HPV (previous smear test said I had a low-risk strain)! They referred me to another colposcopy, which I had a month ago now. The doctor took a biopsy and said I should receive the results in a few weeks. 


My GP notified me two weeks ago that they received a letter from the doctor saying they found high-grade CIN in the colposcopy but that they were still waiting for the biopsy results.


It's been a month now and I'm sick with worry so I ended up calling the hospital to see if the results had come in yet. They told me another appointment has been booked for next month at the colposcopy clinic, but the receptionist couldn't find what it was for or the results of my biopsy. 


Now I'm freaking out. If my results were CIN 1, then surely they would have just said to come back next year or in 6 months time. The fact that this appointment is next month suggests its for an excision, which is something I'm terrified about. I've been feeling down in the dumps all year since I received my high risk HPV diagnosis, and I'm worrying about the future, and if I'll be able to have a healthy pregnancy one day.


I feel quite embarrassed about the whole thing, so I've only told my close friend and my ex, but I don't want them worrying too much so I'm keeping most of these thoughts to myself. 


Any experiences / support / advice would be really appreciated, I don't know anyone who has gone through this in real life xx

Hey dustie9231, I know exactly how you feel because this is something I am currently dealing with right now. Last year in May I had my second pap smear done which came back negative for CIN but positive for high risk hpv. They wanted to do a colposcopy which I had done in September and it came back with CIN1 and chronic endocervicitis. My cervix is inflamed and red and bleeds to the touch. I was told to wait 6 months to get another pap. So I had my latest pap in March which showed ASCUS and positive for high risk HPV and my cervix is still inflamed and bleeding to the touch. The gynecologist wanted to go ahead and do cryosurgery even though he hadn't performed a colposcopy to see whether the cells have advanced or stayed the same. I went in for another opinion and this gynecologist told me that all of this is unnecessary as I am only 24 years old and that my body will most likely fight it. She told me to relax and to go back in next year! I felt a bi reassured but I have researched a lot about HPV and I have found that having chronic cervicitis creates an environment for the cells to progress. So I am scared out of my mind and debating whether I should go elsewhere to get another opinion and a colposcopy and then wait for results to see if things have worsened or not. 

I am torn because so far 2 gynecologists have told me to wait and not to get a procedure done but 2 other gynecologists have told me to get the procedure done. I don't know what to do. But I am scared to wait another year considering I have this chronic inflammation and the constant discharge (odorless yellowish discharge) is a reminder that the HPV is still there doing who knows what! I have no children yet and I really want to. My partner has been supportive and telling me everything will be alright but I am 24/7 worrying about this and it's hard to enjoy life when I have such a burden on my shoulders. I'm sorry I can't offer actual help, just sharing my story so that you know you are not alone.