Conflicting results

Hi Everyone,

I had my smear 9th May which came back 9 weeks later as high grade moderate dyskaryosis.

Then i had a colposcopy on 2nd August which showed nothing. The lady said it looked completely healthy but was going to take two biopsies to be on the safe side and I’d hear back within 4 weeks max.

Ive finally heard back from them after chasing several times nearly 7 weeks later and treatment is required as both biopsies are CIN2 and CIN3.

I was just wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me because I’m very confused and obviously a bit worried. How are they going to treat the abnormalities when they can’t see them? How will I know that the treatment is going to clear it all? How long will it be before I have a follow up smear or whatever to check they got it all? 

Sorry for all the questions! 

Gemma x

Hi and welcome!

How are they going to treat the abnormalities when they can’t see them?

They will probably offer you a LLETZ during another colposcopy appointment. I imagine the biopsy may help them to show where it may be located, but they will also apply the solution again, too.

How will I know that the treatment is going to clear it all? How long will it be before I have a follow up smear or whatever to check they got it all? 

If they do a LLETZ, it takes about 4 weeks for the it to be analysed and receive the result back. If you have ‘clear margins’ around whats been removed, you will be recalled back in 6 months time for another smear and possibly another colposcopy to establish whether you are cured, or need further treatment. If they don’t clear the margins, then you’ll be offered further treatment.

Good luck and hope this helps, but you can always give the hospital a ring and ask.

Thank you so much for getting back to me :)

I am booked in for a LLETZ as you said but the solution the previously used doesn’t react on me the way it should...typical of me haha. Never do anything normal. This is the part that worries me.

As CIN3 was found in both of the biopsies (done at 2 o’clock and 6 o’clock randomly) should I assume they would treat the full area? 

Suppose I won’t find out till my appointment which is in 3 weeks time but will just have to put my trust in them as they know what they are doing :)

Thank you again xx