Colposcopy yesterday

Ok so now I'm absolutely terrified, I've had a call with my nurse to say would i be waiting long to hear any news, apparently the MDT sit down on Mondays and plan for treatment, however whilst speaking to the nurse she said most likely that radiotherapy would be offered to me, does this mean that it's a late stage and I will only be given one kind of treatment?  I'm now at home sobbing as I couldn't stay at work after hearing this.

am I being stupid? Absolutely heartbroken and I've not been told officially any treatment plan xx

Hi kizzimart 

I think you would really benefit from speaking to a macmillan nurse, they are usually open until 8pm, its totally free and they know so much about treatments and how to cope. I used them a few times during my diagnosis and I always felt better after 

Surgery is usually only offered where the tumour is relatively small, or in an easy to reach location, as once it reaches a certain size it is difficult to cut out due to bowels, bladder, uterus etc all being quite tightly packed in. So because of that, some larger stage 1B cancers cannot be treated with surgery, and from stage 2 the standard treatment is chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Sometimes you may be offered surgery after having chemorads, but in most cases, chemorads is sufficient in itself to clear the tumour and its a relatively quick process compared to many other types of cancer.

I havent had chemorads but there are many ladies on here who have, and if that is what the MDT meeting decides is your treatment, then there will be so much support to  help you through. Generally it is all done over a period of 5 to 6 weeks. Then 12 weeks after you have an MRI scan to confirm the success of the treatment and that you are NED = No Evidence of Disease! 

The treatment is so often described as DO-ABLE on here and you will be able do it too xXx

0808 808 0000 is the number for macmillan x

Aww lovely, please don't panic and stress, as feelingthefear has said the larger 1b2 tumours and deffo stage 2 up are treated with Chemorads, it's still a treatment for cure, in some respects if there is any doubt about lymph node involvement etc you're better going down the chemorads route as any tiny micro metastasis that may be lurking undetected will be obliterated! 
If you have a hysterectomy there is always a possibility that you May end up having chemorads anyway if margins aren't clear or they find a dodgy lymph node, I believe a couple of women on here are experiencing that right now. 
I was originally diagnosed 1b2 but upgraded to 2b and it knocked me for six, id just about gotten my head around surgery and bam! I drank lots of wine and got my head round it and focused on the end. It's doable, I don't think I've heard of anyone just offered radiotherapy so if it's decided you go down that route then you'll have the chemo and brachytherapy too I'm sure.
The waiting is almost over it does get easier when you know for sure. I'm so sorry that you've had a hellish day,

massive hugs xx

Thank you so much for this, I will defo be calling just for my own peace of mind I think, you're all so lovely and helpful on here, thanks for all the advice and facts you've given me also, it's true that knowledge is power xxx

Thanks so much Emmz 

honestly I know I've not even been given my official treatment plan or anything yet but as soon as she said I would be offered radiotherapy I immediately thought the worst because why would only that be offered? I'm hoping that I will at least be told my stage or something after the MDT meeting as I've had no indication from the start as to where I am other than it's obviously a larger size growth. 
Honestly thank you so much

ive been an absolute wreck this afternoon and both my parents and husband have had to deal with this sobbing wreck that was just thinking the worst. 


Hello Kizzimart First of all here is a big hug! Secondly if you are based in the UK I strongly recommend that you phone MacMillan and/ or their Ask a nurse service over the weekend and/or phone Jo's helpline. I don't have the same diagnosis as you but my tests and treatment triggered massive health anxiety which is now much better since I have the medical facts of my case. Waiting for results and treatment is the hardest part according to everyone on here. It's really annoying for you that you have the weekend to wait after that phone call from your nurse to find out what exactly is going on but if you are not at work this weekend I can recommend the following to manage your anxiety; the MacMillan & Jo's Trust helplines, MacMillans Ask a nurse, the Headspace App, your parents and your husband, being kind to yourself, do whatever you want, spoil yourself but try to get out for a walk in the fresh air every day, write down your feelings in a diary, wear your favourite clothes, eat whatever you like. Practise self care on a grand scale; you are worth it!! Keep in touch with all the ladies on here who have been where you are now. Remind yourself of their words that this is treatable and doable.I really hope this advice helps you.Lean on anyone and everyone and if it all feels too much at some point after this weekend talk to your medical team so that they can help you with your anxiety. It's normal to feel stressed in this situation. 

Hugs again


this is such lovely self-care advice from 55 and I 100% recommend the headspace app, it helped me so much in my darkest times.

they have a Coping with Cancer course which is brilliant, Andy the headspace Co-founder has actually had cancer and I really got the sense he understood how it feels. There are some free trials available if you do a Google search for a promo code you may find one but the peace of mind it offered me was honestly priceless and im so grateful for it xxx

Hello 55 

thank you very much for your kind words

i will try to have a relaxing weekend, I'm in work for 4 hours today so I can distract myself a little and then hopefully get to go on a little walk or picnic with a friend after. As much as I'm trying to get through this waiting I do find myself sometimes getting myself into the dark places from overthinking, waiting is definitely not my forte. I was trying to focus on my birthday if I'm honest so I had something to look forward to but as that is literally a week on Monday I'm just stressed that I may have to attend hospital or something on it, sounds rather silly I know. 
thanks so much for the advice xx

Hello Kizzimart 

It doesn't sound silly at all. There is no wrong or right way to feel. Whatever helps you to take things one step at a time to get you through this. Don't be too hard on yourself. The picnic with your friend sounds nice. Celebrate your birthday as best you can - you don't need to think that far ahead just yet and if you do happen to have to go to hospital on your birthday you could always plan a socially distanced celebration on another day. My birthday this year was during the lockdown and I live alone but I still had a zoom coffee and cake party with family and we did the best we could and on the plus side I got to eat all the cake! We are living in strange times so that makes it extra important to take care of yourself. Let us know how your day goes.


Thanks I might have a look at these apps and see what I can do to relax myself. 
I will definitely take some time to just relax and take my mind off of things. 
Thank you all so much for your advice, being able to just come in here and get advice from all the girls that have all had different experiences is really helpful
