Colposcopy help. Feeling anxious

Hi All,

This is my first time posting on here and I have to say I have found all the information really helpful but unable to find a post about a similar situation. I had my 3rd Lletz treatment (previous 2 treatments where years ago) on Christmas Eve after my smear showed high grade dyskarosis. At my previous colposcopy appointments the consultant could clearly see the abnormal cells and all where confidently removed but this time they couldn’t t see the abnormal cells but gave me lletz as they knew the high grade dyskarosis was there. This has left me feeling really worried, why couldn’t they been seen?

The consultant also mentioned that because my cervix is so small now that I’m high risk or miscarriage if I wanted to get pregnant and would certainly need cervical stitches if I were pregnant. Has anyone else been to colposcopy and the cell changes couldn’t be seen? Does this mean they are deeper in the cervix? Also if my results come back and all the abnormal cells have not been removed would I likely need a hysterectomy given how much of my cervix has already been taken away? I am anxiously waiting for the results and all sorts of thoughts are going through my head and I don’t want to burden my family with how I’m feeling about this… I think because at colposcopy they didn’t tell me all the abnormal cells had been removed I’m freaking out!! Sorry for the very long post, hopefully someone who has been in a similar situation can help manage my expectations.