Colposcopy CIN2

I’ve never posted on here before but I’ve been reading a lot of the posts since yesterday and have seen how supportive everyone is so here’s my first post!
I’ve been HPV positive for the last 3 years but no cell changes so after my last smear (Jan 21) they invited me for a colposcopy just because I’ve not managed to clear the HPV myself. Due to covid, they said they wouldn’t even book me in until after April as I was ‘only’ HPV positive.
I eventually got my appointment which was yesterday and although I was nervous, I didn’t expect them to say they could see moderate cell changes to my cervix. I burst in to tears when she told me.
I’ve had an ectropian cervix for years but now I’m freaking out thinking that’s actually cell changes (I should have asked but I just froze) and I asked how I could have gone from no abnormal cells to CIN2 in 7 months and she said the smear could have missed it.
I’ve got 3 young children and I can’t help but think it’s something awful and I’ve got to wait 4-6 weeks to find out.
I’m also scared it will get worse in that time because I’ve been having intermittent burning pain and I’ve also had a bartholin gland cyst for 5 years that I’m now thinking could actually be something worse.
I’m trying to be positive but my heart will start racing and I feel like I can’t breathe and I just want it to be sorted and for everything to be fine :sob:
Has anyone else had a similar experience to me and could please help?

Hello! Firstly, Im sorry you are feeling so nervous and scared. We’ve all been there and you are correct that this is a great supportive group :slight_smile:

I have heard of regular smears sometimes “missing things” and the colposcopy is a great way for doctors to get in there and get a good look at what is actually going on. I have had regular smears since I was 19 years old, I am now 32. Last December my smear showed positive for HPV for the first time with borderline changes so I was told to come back in 6 months to recheck. I did and my result was then HSIL changes (so moderate to severe). I was told by my now gyno that smears do sometimes miss things which is why they carry out the colposcopy and take biopsies so that they know EXACTLY what sort of changes you have and how to properly treat them. My biopsy showed CIN2 changes, I was a little upset but after some research and reassuring I came to terms with the fact that this isn’t cancer and unfortunately it’s quite normal. CIN changes have the potential to one day turn into something more sinister, but keeping on top of smears, colposcopy’s, and having cell changes removed when needed is what keeps us safe and healthy :slight_smile:

I understand your fears and worries, but take heart in the fact that you are now being seen and will have anything treated that needs to be, before it turns into anything to actually be scared of! Staying busy and doing things I enjoy helped me while I waited for my biopsy results as that was probably the most anxious trying time for me. Did you have any biopsies done or told you will need any LEEP treatments to remove the cells?