Colposcopy & Biopsy Results - Atypical Glandular Cells

Hi all xx

I had my annual pap smear on October 1st. Two weeks later, the nurse called me to say that it came back abnormal and that I would need to come in for a Colposcopy and biopsy. I was able to go the same day.

Colposcopy wasn’t too bad, although I felt severe cramps while my doctor was trying to take a sample from my uterus.

The next 2 weeks felt like forever while i waited for the results, I was so anxious and nervous. Yesterday I had my follow up appointment - they found Atypical Glandular Cells, not otherwise specified (AGUS) inside the cervix. My doctor was a little concerned because this is not too common, especially in a 24 year old girl.
On the bright side, all of the samples came back negative and benign, and my HPV went away.

I will need to go back for a smear every 4 months because they need to keep a close eye and monitor for any changes. Has anyone else experienced this? Does AGC go away on its own or do they stay there forever?

All love xx