Colposcopy biopsies LONG wait for results


I’ve been following this site since receiving my abnormal smear result a month ago & it’s really helped hearing other women’s experiences.

I had my smear test done in August, only received the abnormal result in October (positive HPV and cell changes)! I was then advised that the waiting time for colposcopy was sitting at around 4 months. I spoke to the nurse in the clinic & was really lucky to be offered a cancellation. I had my colposcopy yesterday & I’m anxiously waiting on the results.

I was advised by the gynaecologist that the cell changes were most likely minor changes however at colposcopy she said she could see a small area where the changes were & took 2 or 3 biopsies. I was advised that the waiting time for biopsy results is currently 4-5 months!

I’m really worried as I have had symptoms for the last few months - lower back pain, abdominal pain, bleeding which is unusual for me & I also get really bad pelvic pain during sex with my partner (sorry, TMI). Has anyone else experienced this?