Colposcopy and lletz



ive posted recently and had some really helpful responses but am still a bit loSt. 

3 weeks ago I had a colposcopy and when the nurse looked she told me I would need a lletz under GA as I had a larger area of severe abnormal cells. She never told me the grade of the cells etc. This was the Monday and the Wednesday I received a call to ask if I could come in the Friday for the lletz. I went in on the Friday and had the lletz the consultant didn’t have my notes and asked if the nurse had me aware of a grade to which I said no. After the op the doc walked past and gave me a thumbs up but didn’t say anything else. 

I then received a letter in the post 2 weeks later from the nurse confirming I had severe abnormal cell changes around a large ectropion close to the vaginal walls. I wasn’t told any of this at the initial appointment.

patience got the better of me and I phoned the consultant and spoke to his secretary last week. She said she couldn’t see my results but I should receive a letter in the next couple of days this was a week ago. I’ve tried phoning since and as of yet she hasn’t answered the phone. Today I phoned the colposcopy department and then said they should have my resulya but she couldnt see them and to phone back next week if I still hadnt heard anything. 

I just wanted to know if anyone had had the same experience? I think I’m just more frustrated then anything as I literally have no clue whats going on

aorru for all my rambling ladies 

Hi Katie, so sorry to hear about the trouble you are having with obtaining your results !!  no need to apolgise at  all ..

I would personally just keep chasing them for the results.. i had to chase my consultant after my 1st colcoscopy .. I Had the lettz procedure done this Tuesday and the consultant said he would send me a letter with the results within the next two weeks !

it is so stressful waiting to hear back .. am keeping everything crossed for you that all is ok and  no news is good news <3


Hi sandy 


thank you so much for your reply. I’ve tried phoning my consultant every day and his secretary doesn’t pick up and I’ve left her 2 messages asking for a call back. She probably thinks I’m over the top and is screening my calls lol. I think I’m just frustrated that I no nothing more then I did from my smear test really.  This is what I keep telling myself no news is good news. I’m gonna try her again tomorrow see if I get any joy but I’m not optimistic. 

hoping you get your results soon and everything is all fine :)