CIN3 with CC symptoms

Hi, I know this is an old post but I just wondered how you are doing...? I am in a very similar situation- cin3 with lots of dodgy symptoms?? X

I have a really strange symptom that I hacer read about yet avid idk who to ask. I'm new here. I hacer had HPV for 15 yrs and I hacer brb to a Dr in 9 yrs now. For thepast year or more over been bleeding in between periods and about a yr ago the first thing I bled during sex but it stopped as returned recently and it was never alot of blood but now I'm bleeding heavily after sex and have pain but my real question is is I can't feel my orgasms anymore and this has gone on for 6 months or more. Is that normal to not feel your o orgasm if you have cervical cancer

I have a really strange symptom that I hacer read about yet avid idk who to ask. I'm new here. I hacer had HPV for 15 yrs and I hacer brb to a Dr in 9 yrs now. For thepast year or more over been bleeding in between periods and about a yr ago the first thing I bled during sex but it stopped as returned recently and it was never alot of blood but now I'm bleeding heavily after sex and have pain but my real question is is I can't feel my orgasms anymore and this has gone on for 6 months or more. Is that normal to not feel your o orgasm if you have cervical cancer