Can anyone help me understand my doctors notes after colposcopy?

Hi everyone, new to the website :)

I had my smear test done 3 weeks ago, rang the doctors as I hadn't heard about my results. The doctor said all is fine and normal smear again in 3 years time. The day after I recieved 2 letters, one from the hospital with a colposcopy appointment and one saying that I am HPV positive and CIN 3 had been detected. I was in shock as the doctors had told me all was well! 

Went for the colposcopy 2 days ago, had biopsy taken and LLETZ procedure done. Today I recieved the doctors notes from my appointment and I was just wondering if anyone could help me with what it says!

TZ type 1 and SCG fully seen. Small area of acetowhite in the lower lip between the 5 and 6 o'clock position with some punctuations.


She said she is going to write to me with the biopsy results and I need another smear in 6 months time.


Thanks for reading :)



Wow, from smear to colposcopy, and results in three weeks is super fast. That's amazing.


I don't know the medical terminology used but there is an ask the expert section on here that will help.


At a guess, the fact they have said smear in six months already is really super positive. Xx

I thought it was fast too!


I haven't had my actual results from the biopsy yet I just have the notes the doctor has sent to my GP I have been copied into the letter too if that makes sense?

So still awaiting biopsy results but just wondered in terms of the medical jargo what she has actually seen herself!

Such a rollercoaster of emotions at the moment! Especially as my GP surgery said I was fine then the next day the letters came through!


Whoops sorry Kay, I hadn't realised the biopsy results weren't back yet. 


I really hope they come soon. The doctors letter sounds promising though. 


Yes fingers crossed it won't be too long until I get the biopsy results to put my mind at ease a bit. Waiting is hard. I'm going to be constantly looking out for the postman! Hope you are well! Xx

Transformation zone type 1 is the very tip of your cervix.  There are 3 transformation zones.  1 being the very tip outer area (most viable), 2 being higher up/deeper and 3 deeper still.  If you Google transformation zones and lletz you will find a diagram showing these zones.  Acetowhite area means an area which has turned white with the application of acetic acid or vinegar as we know it, showing up abnormal cells.  Hope this helps.  Much love to you and good luck xx