Blisters on cervix and inflamed vagina. Absolutly terrified!

Hi everyone, I've just had my smear test after having my little boy and the nurse was concerned that my vagina was inflamed and so got a GP to come and have a look. The GP said I'm inflamed and have what looks like blisters on my cervix. No bleeding was present. I asked what it could be and she said it could be hormonal or because I've just had a baby (he's 14 weeks old). I'm also breastfeeding which alters hormones again.

She has referred me to gynaecology which will likely send me for a colposcopy. 

Anyway, I am absolutely crumbling inside with worry and can't stop crying. I'm absolutly worried sick about what's going to happen now. I've had changed before, I had CIN1 in 2013 which cleared up by itself and my last smear in Feb 2019 was fine and clear of HPV. I should have had a smear in Feb this year but because I was pregnant I couldn't.

Has anybody else had a similar situation? I'm just terrified and don't know how to calm myself down. I lost my Mum to cancer 2 years ago and I feel I am not going to be able to cope if my results are bad. The fear I have is just unbearable, the thought of maybe not being around for my family is horrendous. Any coping strategies would be much appreciated!


Thanks xx

Hi Kelly,

Firstly, congrats on the birth of your son. Such an exciting but exhausting time. I'm not an expert but it could possibly be natbothian cysts. I found the following piece of information:

Childbirth and physical trauma to the cervix can cause nabothian cysts in some women. During childbirth, excess skin cells can grow on the mucus gland and trap mucus, causing cysts to form. Physical trauma around the cervix can cause excess tissue to develop on top of mucus glands during the healing process and trap mucus, which can also cause these cysts to occur. Cysts caused by physical trauma are especially common during recovery from chronic cervicitis, in which cervix tissue is inflamed.

Also, what seems to be very common is that when something cancerous has been found on the cervix during a pap test, it bleeds very easily. The fact you said there was no bleeding I would take to be a good sign. 

Obviously there is always the small chance it could be something else but please try to hold onto the thoughts at the moment that this could very much be due to childbirth until you know differently. Let us know how you get on.

x Maria

Hi, congratulations on your baby! I agree with what Maria advised you  - don't worry unnecessarily as it all seems to be in keeping with having had a baby. Coping strategies - take a good Vitamin B complex supplement as good for your nerves. Spirulina tablets are also good as they naturally contain B12. Listen to soothing music. If feeling panicky, press feet firmly into the floor as the sure physical connection helps to make you feel grounded. Also, looking up at the ceiling instead of looking downwards if feeling panicky helps as does cupping your hands over your mouth and nose area so that you don't over-breathe which can creates anxiety etc. If you still feel tearful it's maybe an idea to set a certain time or set certain few times per day when you schedule a cry so that you feel less likely to cry all through the day as crying can be exhausting. Also, speak to your GP about your worries who should also be able to help you see the situation more in perspective and keep your GP updated about your anxiety levels. Get out in the fresh air and enjoy walks with your baby in the local park. Your last smears were recent and came back with great results - I can't imagine things could have changed to a really negative situation in such a short period of time since Feb 2019 as from what I have read these things take time to become a problem and I don't think a year and a half since your last smear is considered a long time in terms of smear tests. I'm waiting for results since my recent smear earlier this month - my last smear was 9 years ago. I had CIN1 30 years ago in my twenties, didn't go back to normal by itself and at that time was then given Interferon injections into the area which did bring it back to normal. Been normal in between then and last results in 2009 but I don't know if it was caused by HPV. Didn't think I needed to go anymore for smears as became celibate but read this year that HPV can lay dormant in the body for decades and if immune system lowers it can cause problems again and that immunity becomes lower after menopause which I have gone through and so I regret my decision to stop going for smears for 9 years. Stopped going as not only didn't think I needed to (until reading that recent info) but also find smears quite difficult - I think it's psychological because I had those problems in the past. I'm sure all will be well for you and don't ever miss smears. I do think they should provide info to people that HPV can stay in the system and cause problems if immunity lowers as I wouldn't have missed smears had I known even though it's uncomfortable to have them done. Do come back on here and let us know how it goes. x

Hi ladies, thank you so much for replying! I spoke with my gp yesterday after a horrendous weekend with anxiety and crying (totally convinced of the worst). She advised I speak with my physio about my back and pelvic pain. I spoke with my physio today and she said the doctor has actually put that I have several lesions on my cervix as well as white boils! This was news to me after being told it was what looked like blisters. I can't believe it and am now awaiting a call back from my GP. I feel a little  betrayed that she hasn't been totally honest and upfront with me. Just as I was trying to calm myself down and try to believe it could be something very straight forward like cysts. I have a heavy feeling in my vagina as well which was put down to a bladder prolapse 5weeks ago but I seen my physio 2 weeks ago to assess the prolapse to be told I haven't got one! The only solace is that she has put in the statement that the lesions aren't bleeding. 

I'm truly devastated and just don't know what to do. I have a 9 and 3 year old and a 14 week old who totally depend on me, it's absolutly breaking my heart.

Kelly the unknown really is the very worst part. As so many of us here know how bloody frightening it is. All I can suggest at the moment is to try and take back control of this situation. Chase up the doctors and try and pin them down to a date. You have control of how you spend this Christmas season. Don't let this situation steal your memories of a beautiful Christmas with your family and new baby. Laugh with your children, take lots of photos and know that should the very worst happen there is an amazing group of ladies on here ready to support you if needed. There are many, many of us here who have had treatment and are here to tell the tale. Sending hugs,
