Inflamed pain cervix, urgent referral to gynae. Terrified

Please can someone give me some advice or support I feel so scared and overwhelmed by it all. 
last smear was 2 years ago and clear.

last 6 weeks I felt I had thrush and irritation ... used creams and eventually subsided. HAs swab done for infections and came back clear...Then I had what I thought a uti , anti biotics didn't clear it up. I have feelings of pressure in cervix area and inside bum. Went back to GP, she felt inside my bum and found a painful location which I'm guessing what my cervix enlarged ... she then did internal with spectrum and said "oh dear" and said my cervix was red , inflamed , signs or Erosion and had white bumps on it. she did a urgent referral to gynae and now I wait. I'm so scared I can't sleep or function I know I shouldn't but I'm worrying about my children and trying not to be upset I'm finding it so hard to function. This constant pressure is there and upsetting me 

Hi Katie, didn't want to read and run, I hope your ok, breath... I know how nervous you must be, I too am being urgently referred to gynae, I'm having pain, irregular bleeding and my doctor found cervical erosion on my examination too. I've searched the Internet for weeks while still waiting on my appointment. If it helps ease your worry any, my smear and blood tests came back fine and cervical erosion is very common. I know this doesn't answer your question, but I just wanted to let you know that your not alone. ❤️

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Hi same boat i had cin3 2014 all succesfull lletz 6 month follow up no cells told ive be invited back in 5 years last year when this was due I was pregnant, so i had mine thursday straight away wanted me to see gp, went today urgent refferal so now megaaaaa worried!!!! i feel sick she did say she thinks it loterally is only erosion but she has to refer combined with history im 32 with 5 kids i feel sick tbh :( xxx

Hi lovey.
I’m so sorry to hear about your symptoms. I’m hoping that you have been given some answers to your problems.
Have you got any updates ? X