Bleeding after LLETZ?


I had my LLETZ on August 19th. I have been bleeding fresh, bright red blood with small clots since Wednesday 24th Aug. It has stayed the same since then - pretty heavy and fresh, red blood.

I have a history of haemorrhaging (with pregnancies, giving birth and following a D&C from miscarriage) and have had several blood transfusions.

What have been your experiences with bleeding and LLETZ? I have no unpleasant odour and don’t feel particularly unwell, so I don’t think it’s an infection. I did contact the Ward where I had the treatment but as it’s Bank Holiday, no-one has gotten back to me. I’m sure they’ll call tomorrow.

Unhelpfully, my period is due Weds/Thurs and they are usually heavy and last six days. I’m not sure my body will cope with losing so much blood in such a short time.

The gynaecologist told me that he had “double” sealed my cervix following the LLETZ to prevent bleeding.

I’m in moderate pain, cramping with some sharper pains.

Thank you.

Smear Test - May 25th 2022
Abnormal results letter - June 30th 2022 (CIN 1)
Colposcopy - July 18th 2022
Colposcopy results - July 28th 2022 - CIN 2
LLETZ - August 19th 2022 (awaiting results)

Please seek help if you bleed. Not to scare you but I ended up with a major bleed, emergency surgery and a blood transfusion after no infection symptoms but ignoring some bleeding, 24hrs later I crashed when we got to A&E and it was pretty scary. All fine and easily treated once I was there, but being rushed to resus and having fluids pushed through whilst they pack you and buzz theatre is something id never wish on anyone. You most likely willbe completely fine but see a medical professional today.

Definitely get in and checked out , I also ignored the small fresh clots as no sign of infection but was also rushed in an Emergancy to hospital with huge amount of blood loss and a lot of clotting coming out, I was in for two days and fine since but as already mentioned the procedure is not nice to stop the bleeding so hopefully they could treat you on antibiotics if an infection is likely x sorry I know it’s a scary time xx