Bit concerned about Doctor’s swab today?

Hi all- I’m new here!


2 years ago I had my first nhs smear test (I’m now 26). Severe changes (grade 3 or whatever the correct term is, I forget!) and HPV. The HPV type was not covered in the vaccine (I had the vaccine at age 17) and it is also a high risk type.


Lletz carried out. 6 month repeat smear showed all hunky dory :)


However, 2 years after lletz, I have started bleeding irregularly after sex. For the last 8-12 weeks.


I finally went to see the GP today about the bleeding (and a mortifying event- I wet the bed this week!!).

I informed her that I’m due on my period today or tomorrow.


She examined me and could visually not see any concerns with the cervix. She was unable to do a smear test as I’m not due a repeat one for another 18 months. But, she did swab for chlamydia. When she put the swab in, she said ‘oh I think your period you were expecting has arrived’ and pulled out a swab with blood on it.


10 hours later...I see no signs of this period she mentions. So now I’m in a right state worrying that the blood has come from something more sinsister!

I have been referred urgently to gynaecology. 


Has as anyone else had a ‘period’ arrive during examination? And then it disappears? Or should I be worried that she’s collected blood from something else that she hasn’t been able to see with her eyes? She assured me she sees no ectropian either (I had this 3 years ago).


Sorry for the massive post!

Hi Tboo, 

I just wanted to double check are you on the pill or any form on contraception? I just ask as when I had a normal pap a couple of years ago, she said I bled on contact but that it was likely because I had skipped my period on the pill the month before. Even if you are not on the pill, maybe its just your body preparing you for your period and it bled on contact because they pushed/swiped on it. I understand your worry but I would just wait to see the next couple of days if your period does come on. 

Hope it all goes ok. xx