Back pain and bleeding

Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here for some time, and have been happy living a cancer free life.

Christmas eve will be 5 years since I was formally diagnosed as 2b, and started on the 6 month road through treatment.  December is always a tricky time for me, but this year I've been experiencing hip and back pain, so contacted the nurses who in turn have arranged scans and an oncologist appointment.  I've been worried, but coping..... until today.  My bowels have been playing up a little and been overactive, but today there's blood...... now I'm not coping.......

Anyone had similar ?  I'm trying to convince myself it's because my bowels have been playing up..... I so wanted to get to 5 years......


There are loads and loads of us that have had hip and back pain. We all know its a  symptom of recurrence so tend to think the worst. However, most people have backache and stuff at some time. I suffered from it terribly recently but my scan was clear and it passed after a few weeks. We have loads of radiotherapy damage too which mimics the symptoms. Where is the bleeding from?

You need to go through the tests to find out. Don't take any chances. Hopefuly all will be well and you will have the best Christmas ever!

Karen x


Thank you for replying.  .... back pain was one of my original symptoms and has been at bay until now, and that with the bleeding from my bottom has sent me into a panic.  I'm off to the hospital this week for another scan then see the consultant next week.  I'm keeping everything crossed but those niggles keep putting doubting thoughts in my mind

Congrats on your clear scan...... really great news.... 

Happy chrimbo xx