Hip and Back Pain

Hi Ladies

I posted a while back as I had what I thought was sciatic pain.  Of course, like most of us, I was worried that it could possibly indicate a recurrence so off I went to my GP to get it checked out.

She sent me for an x-ray and ultrasound which came back clear and so she then sent me for a MRI which I had last Thursday.

She phoned me with the results yesterday and it has shown I have a slipped disc and a deformed hip bone.  I'm now being sent for a CT scan before discussing what treatment is available.

Not great but no comparison to a recurrence - I was so relieved.

Always best to get anything checked out but just wanted to let others know what this type of pain could be.

Big hugs


Always good to get it checked. It's amazing what the MRI shows up when staging or for new concerns. I actually got diagnosed with gallstones as well as cancer, didn't know I had them.

Thanks for sharing xx

Huzzah for you Cheryl! :-)

So pleased to know that your GP was so proactive and that everything is being examined so closely. Certainly a slipped disc is no fun! Been there, done that, but it's a world away from a recurrence!

So glad you did this, so glad you had a better result than you probably feared and so glad that you shared it with us.

High five!
Be lucky :-)