Awaiting Colposcopy

Hi All, 


I am 22 years old and went to visit the Dr after Bleeding after sex and getting a Burning Pain in my Vag.. 


The Dr done an internal and said all looks ok but is extremley worried due to not having an answer as to why it is happening - My Colpooscopy is on Monday 26th February, I have no clue what to expect and i am Extremley Worried my mum will be coming with me and she had recently had a biopsy and Colposcopy which showed she had a twisted Cervix which i thought may have been my issue but Sureley the Dr would have seen this or a Polp? 


I have read up online what to expect and all you Ladies sharing your experience has helped but i am extremly worried and my Mind is running away with what it could be... 


Anyone have any Tips on how not to overthink this and any Advice for me on the day of the Colposcopy? 


Any tips and Advice will be helpful!!!!


Thank you!! 


I am 23 have had 3 abnormal smears tested positive for hpv lowgrade. And yesterday feb. 19th I had a colposcopy done I was extremely nervous. Definitely take 800mg of  Ibuprofen alth you’ll still feel discomfor. I had a biops done and that didnt hurt much at all the only part that bothered me a good amount was when she had to go into my cervix and then at the end pulling everything out wasn’t a great feeling I didnt cramp much after but that’s because of the medicine I took before hand. I feel very uncomfortable with being down there now that I’m a day post colpo amd took a shower just now and started feeling really weak and sick. I dont know if it was the shower or the fact that I went to clean up down there a little and it just didn’t feel right for whatever reason. I may have just started freaking out and thats what made me feel sick and weak. But the heating pad is gonna be my best friend tonight because I’m having some discomfort 


i just wanted to message to put your mind at ease a little. I was so anxious and scared before my colposcopy I didn’t know what to expect. I am quite an anxious person and I was terrified the day I went, I was even crying when they led me in to the room.

It was over and done with in about 20 mins. It wasnt half as bad as I was expecting. I felt no pain (Even when I had the LA injection) and only a small bit of discomfort. I think emotionally I found it harder than physically if you know what I mean. The bed thing you sit on I found comfier than when i have had to lay flat and have a smear. The nurses and consultant were so lovely and supportive. And my other half came in with me and held my hand. The doctor took a look and asked if she could do the Lletz procedure there and then and I said yes (something I would not have thought I would have said before I went in!) 

I guess what I’m trying to say is even for a panicky anxious person like me I managed. I think when you read other peoples experiences they can be wildly different but it’s not always bad x