Awaiting colposcopy and terrified

Hello All

My first time posting and I'll be honest, I'm terrified. 
Currently awaiting my colposcopy after my screening result came back as HPV positive and abnormal cells. But I've been having non-period bleeding for weeks now and even before the screening results it was worrying me. Added to that I have terrible backache at night. 

So of course my brain has gone down the darkest path possible and I'm convinced that the worst will be found.

Trying so hard to stay as positive as I can, but my brain doesn't always want to work like that. does anyone have any tips for dealing with the wait/worry? 

Thank you 

Hey sweetheart,

it's perfectly normal to think the worst probably every woman on this site has done at some point, even if I have a pain in my finger my mind goes into overdrive, I like to plan for the worst but hope for the best. Just try to be kind to yourself and if you need to scream and vent then do. 
I'm so sorry that you are going through this and I hope very much that you don't have long to wait for some answers.

No matter what the outcome of your colposcopy with knowledge comes power and you will handle what ever is thrown at you. 
the women on this forum are amazing and certainly got me through some tough times, anything you may be concerned about or just to vent we're all here for you.

much love sweetheart,

emma xx 


Please try not to worry, when I was referred to my first colposcopy, I became hyperaware of every ache and pain. Also had bleeding between periods and after sex - it turned out I had a harmless polyp which was causing it. 

Please try your hardest not to worry, there are so many reasons for back ache and even bleeding between periods. 

As for the colposcopy itself, it's completely fine and I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think - mine wasn't! Try not to go alone if possible as you'll feel better with someone there. Would also recommend wearing a skirt or dress as you'll feel a bit more covered/less-exposed.

Sending you big hugs xxx