Anyone in the same situation?

Hi there.

I've had history of abnormal smears since my first one at age 25 (almost 10 years)

So far I've had probably five colposcopies and last year I had LEEP for CIN3. The treatment was fine but my recovery was rotten. I developed two intense infections which caused me to be bed bound for a week with fever and back pain like I've never felt.

I had a follow up smear at my GP a few weeks ago and the results came back with HPV present (always been the case) no indication of what CIN grade.. so back for another colposcopy on the 3rd.

I feel at the stage where I want them to take it all out. I have two children and we don't plan on having more and the health anxiety this gives me is horrible.

Anyone else have back to back bad smear, bad colposcopies and treatment and still need more? Is it too early for me to be discussing a hysterectomy with my gyno? 

Thanks for reading.



I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this time after time. 

I don't have repeat bad smears but I couldn't just whizz past without commenting. 

Firstly, I hope you are okay! I cant imagine how emotionally stressful it must be for you.

Are you definitely finished having babies? If so, maybe it might be worth talking to your gyno about it? 

I read online that in cases where it's reoccurring, a hysterectomy might be used a treatment. 

If you feel like your done with children, and a hysterectomy pros outweigh the cons, then definitely talk about it. It doesn't mean you have to have it, but it's there as an option, it may help to make your mind up on what treatment would be best for you. 

I really cant imagine how stressful everything is for you. I have had my first bad smear with my first coloscopy done last week, awaiting results has been scary and an emotional time. I couldn't imagine that happening over and over again, big hugs to you. 

What ever treatment you choose, I wish you well on your recovery. Xxx