Anyone else sick of wearing sanitary towels?

Hi all....I had my Lletz treatment on Friday 9th December. I'm still waiting for my results. I had an absolutely awful experience with it all. I've had no bleeding but have now developed a secondary infection....which means I have to wear and change my pad every hour because of the smell from the infection. (Sorry if tmi) I just want to know if any ladies out there are having the same issue and how they cope with them. Many thanks Candi

So sorry to hear.

I currently waiting for my colposcopy appt. But I wear pads a lot of the time as I have what I thought was jut a weak leaking bladder..... but now Google has since informed me that that can be a sign of CC. Bricking it. :-( 

Are you bwing treated for the secondary infection? Hope youre not elf waiting too much longer for yoir results xx

Hi hun...

I am on antibiotics for the infection. Though last night I developed some pain which has only gotten worse through to this morning. Not sure what is going on. I've had pain on and off since my procedure but nothing like this. Not sure what to do. All I can really do on a Sunday is ring 111 for advice. 

Really hate this. Just need answers now

Candi x

hi, i think everyone is different i had LLETZ 30/11/16 i am still leaking but it has become less so my pads are a bit smaller/more comfotable so hopefully yours will ease
