AGC / hpv 16 very scared please help

Hello all, 

I just was looking for some reassurance and wanted to ask some questions. I had a abnormal pap last week and went in this week for the colposcopy. I'm currently waiting the results. I was told Thurday I was HPV positive (normal pap smears ((which I get annually)) since I was 18  have been normal and I'm currently 29). I also got the vaccination in my early 20's, however, was already having sex with the person who exposed it to me, so it was too late. 

I think being HPV 16 positive is very scary, but the AGC is making it worse to try to find information. I see a lot of people out there with one or the other, but I wanted to hear from people who have had BOTH

During the colposcopy my doctor told me she didn't see any damage done to my cervix as it relates to the cells. I will be doing the LEEP should the results come back that intevention is needed. I also would be willing to do cone biopsy and even if it was bad a hysterectomy. I am married and we're planning for children, but I am terrified of it progressing to cancer. 

So all that being said I wanted to know--for those out there who have had this or have this: my main concen (aside from progressive cancer) is if I do the LEEP--that it would come back sooner rather than wayyyy later. AGC in everything I've read sounds very unpredictable and very dangerous due to it's unpredictability. My doc couldn't tell me the likelyhood of it turning into cancer or how long it would typically take. Has anyone out there done the LEEP or the cone and been HPV/AGC free for several years? Like 5, 10, 15?  Or is a LEEP a window to allow me to have children and then more likely those with both HPV 16 and AGC need a hysterectomy? 

I have been crying non-stop since Thurday. Any help, support or information would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you! 

Hello, I am going through the same thing. I’m 37 years old. Have had pap smears yearly since I was 20. Never had an abnormal test until this past January. I had ASCUS and HPV positive. I went to a colposcopy with biopsy. They were confused about my results. I asked if I had AGC but they said no diagnose was made. They transfered my case to Johns Hopkins for clarification. I heard the conversation with the pathologist. She said she couldn’t diagnose because it was insufficient. Apparently they saw fragments fro atypical glandular epithelium but couldn’t say for sure. Since I am positive for HPV 16 and 18 my doctor scheduled me for LEEP. I also want to conceive. So hopefully I’ll get good results. I am in such shock. I am a registered nurse and tried to understand as much as possible. I asked the doctor is there’s a possibility it’s nothing and his response was that there’s probabili it will be nothing. I am hoping for good news. Keep me posted with your situation. I wish you all the best 


It can be very confusing! So my situation ended up taking A weird turn as well: 

So my results from the colscopy came back negative (no signs of pre cancerous cells or cancerous cells). She took one punch biopsy from my cervix and another from my ECC. She said I looked good and to come back in 6 months. I met with her and asked why the AGC showed up and expressed concern around there being an underlying issue. She assured me that with the ECC biopsy it would most likey catch it. Always A chance but she said I didn’t need a LEEP or any procedure.

 I scheduled a second opinion for a different patholigist to look at my cells from the pap to see if the AGC were in fact there. The second pathologist confirmed the findings of AGC and I scheduled an appointment with a differnet OBGYN to see if they’d have a similar or different recommendation. The second OBGYN said AGC can be tricky because they skip lesions, meaning they can hide deeper within the cervical canal and can be missed on a biopsy. He said due to the biopsy’s coming back negative (the punch and ECC) he felt confident the findings were good and the way I understand it AGC can show up regardless of HPV, but it’s more concerning when they do with HPV (as any person can have an irregular pap but obviously someone with HPV + irregular pap it could mean something worse).

So he told me I could monitor it every 6 months, it could not show up again and we’d wait and see. Or I could get the cone biopsy (conization) just to be 100% sure the previous findings were accurate. As he explained to me the ECC test is the best way to determine if there is glanduar involvment and mine came back negative, BUT due to skip lesions A bigger biopsy (ie the conization) would be very accurate. I decided to get the conization because I felt with high risk HPV and these cells both being present I didn’t want to take any risks. 

Fast forward to a week or so ago and I got the call about my results. It turns out I had high grade lesions (not sure if CIN 2 or 3 I see him next week to clarify) With no glandular involvement (?????)!!!! So totally different high grade cells showed up. Luckily with clear margins, but still a little concerning considering none of THOSE cells showed up on my pap or the two different biopsy’s...I’m not sure if the AGC could be related to the CIN? it’s my understanding they’re two different types of cells so...? 

I will  keep you posted though and I hope this helps? It’s nice to have someone to talk to who gets it :) 


abormal pap: Jan 18 (AGCUS) HPV 16 

punch biposy/ ECC: negative pre-cancer/cancerous cells 

second opinion given conization offered due to concerns of AGCUS. 

Cone biopsy: March 18

results: high grade CIN no glandular involvement 

Oh wow! Very similar stories. Mine came back as benign endocervical tissue and benign squamous epithelium but it showed something no one could understand. It says fragments of atypical glandular epithelium and insufficient for further evaluation. Mine also showed benign cervical transformation zone but with widespread increased endoceevical glandular epithelium. As you can see mine was very confusing. My doctor in which I really trust. He has been practicing for over 40 years and have been my doctor do 18 years. He told me that he recommends the LEEP or cone biopsy with any suspicious thing on the glandular tissue because it’s harder to find. So I decided to have mine done on April 6 or 11. I will have it at the hospital under general anesthesia. I’m a little concerned because I really want to get pregnant again. I have a teenager daughter but I am in a new relationship and my boyfriend doesnt have kids and really wish to have kids some day. This all came as a shocker. My doctor also mentioned he would follow up in three months if I wasn’t positive or HPV 16-18. I hate all of this. I will definitely keep you posted. Please keep in touch so we can discuss our findings. i am confused because not even the pathologist knew what to say. How was your procedur? I hope you’re doing ok. Hopefully they removed all the tissue And hopefully your follow up will be clear. I understand that with CIN 2 and 3 your body doesn’t clear out so the LEEP or cone have high chances of getting rid of it. 

hi,I had a pap smear and was told AGC.but my HPV is negative.I am quited worried.What is your situation now.Wish everything goes better