After Colposcopy/biopsy

Hello, everyone!

I had my colposcopy done on Monday, so a well ago tomorrow. I had the typical cramping for about 1.5 days (nothing terrible), and then mild spotting for about 2-3 days (again nothing terrible).

I am due to start my period in the next few days and was wondering if it’s okay to use a tampon? I know after LLETZ you aren’t supposed to, but after biopsies is it okay? I didn’t think to ask and feel like if it wasn’t okay they would have mentioned it. Thank you for any help anyone could offer :slight_smile:


I was told not to for about 2 weeks and it also states this in the aftercare leaflet, hope this helps


Well shoot! I wasn’t given any information after my colposcopy/biopsy other then being told my results would take up to two weeks to get back.

Thank you for your feedback, guess I won’t use any just to be on the safe side!

No problem also told no baths or swimming for 2 weeks or sex .


Really? After just the colposcopy and a biopsy taken they advised to stay away from all of that for 2 weeks? I’m wondering why my doctor didn’t mention any of that at all? I might have to call and ask tomorrow to clarify the no swimming especially!

Hi, yes I think in case of infection.
Definitely give them a call


I was also told no tampons for 2 weeks. I used pads for a few days and then by the the my next period came I did just use tampons to be honest. I also only stopped sex for about a week

Thank you for your advice! I’m using pads now to be safe as my biopsy was only a week ago today. Haven’t used them in YEARS and Lord I forgot how uncomfortable they can be lol!

I think I saw on another post you just had your LLETZ procedure! I hope it went well for you and your recovery is good :slight_smile:

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