colposcopy next week, im so scared!

Hi, I have my colposcopy next Tuesday, and I am so ridiculosly scared! I have no idea what to expect. 

My smear results came back, HPV positive, abnormal cells and low grade dyskarosis.

Do I have to go in by myself? Or can my Fiancee come in with me? I need him there with me. Any information about what to expect is so helpful to me,, good an bad information!

Thank you x

I was fine going by myself. My husband was going to go but he was unable as my appointment got pushed up super early unexpedidily due to my usual doctor calling off sick. Glad he didn't go though cause I have to go back in for a Leep and he really needs to be there for that more than the colposcopy.

It really wasn't as bad as I made it out to be in my head. It felt like a more invasive pap basically nothing too terrible. The biospy weren't that bad either, doctor had me cough to tense when he did it and that helped a lot. I had weird bleeding that day and that was about it. 

They say no tampons or anything being put inside you for 2 weeks. Luckily I didn't get my period in those two weeks so pads for spotting days wasn't too bad. However I did have sex like two days earlier than my recommended 2 weeks and that was no bueno. Didn't feel good at all lol, so make sure to wait the recommended time! Other than that it wasn't a big deal. More nervous for my Leep coming up as recovery time is 4-6 weeks.  Doctor did call me with the results of the biospy in like 3 days after m colposcopy so I didn't have to wait too long. 

Good luck everything will be ok <3

You'll be fine, don't worry! I had LLETZ done, not colposcopy, but I am a complete whimp with an absolutely pathetic pain threshold so if I got through the LLETZ with no tears then you'll get through colp :) I took my boyfriend in with me so I had a hand to hold. He couldn't help having a slightly disgusted look on his face when he saw them inject my cervix on the screen so that didn't help, but I think it meant I got extra sympathy points and having a hand to squeeze helped. They should let you take someone in with you if thats what you want :) let us know how you get on! Xx

Thank you all for your reassurance! I will let you know how it goes after Tuesday! Xx

Mine was not bad at all. I took Alleve about 30 minutes before my appointment. I drove myself after work. When I got home I sat with a heating pad over my stomach- which felt awesome! I went to work the next day, about 14 hours after my procedure. I had a lot of discharge, so have pads ready in case you do too because you can’t use tampons. Good luck!