
Good morning,
I am really scared!! Just wondering if you lovely lot can just help me out?
I have CIN 1 and I have been advised to have lletz on my letter from the Hospital. I have to have GA it a spinal as I have a cervix which is around the bend, so my gynaecologist said.The Hospital phoned me on Friday to give me a date but I have just had Covid so will have to rearrange. When the nurse spoke to me she said that I have to have letzz and lazor. Has anyone had the both before?
I Feeling as if it’s worse than what they are telling me? ( I suffer with Health anxiety)
Will be really grateful just for a bit of reassurance

Hello, not sure if they are offering you the same treatment as me but it sounds similar

I had the Lletz first and straight after they used a Laser to vaporise any bad remaining cells. I believe it absolutely worked for me as the lab byopsy of the bits they cut off with the Lletz didn’t have clear margins but in my 3 months and later 6 months check no abnormalities were seen and I remember her saying while looking at the monitor the Laser worked so I didn’t need a second LLETZ. But my treatment was for CIN3 and CGIN very far from a CIN 1. Try not to worry CIN 1 is such an early stage that for sure they will get it all out. If is any consolation I had it under local anesthetic and had no pain whatsoever so don’t worry about the Laser bit is just a great extra to get done

Just remembered the name of it is CO2 laser vaporization. You can maybe ask if this is what they are referring to.
From what Google is saying is how they used to do it before Lletz but it has the problem of not being able to have anything sent out to the lab for testing.
Lletz has replaced it, but in a few places they do Lletz first and after use the CO2 laser to make sure nothing is left out. I believe the machine is quite expensive and hard to maintain probably why they don’t have it everywhere. It definitely saved me so I am really happy they used it

Thank you so much for the reassurance. I am just so nervous right now. About it all.
Jem xx

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