Alternative treatment to LLETZ?

Hi, I’m currently waiting for an appointment date to have a LLETZ procedure
under GA, due to CIN3 diagnosis. Have been doing a lot of research and
wondered if anyone here has been offered or gone ahead with an alternative
intervention to LLETZ/ LEEP/ Cone Biopsy, for example Laser Ablation,
Cryotherapy, Cold Coagulation? What have your experiences been?

It seems these other procedures are much less common, and possibly more gentle(?). They appeal because there does not seem to be the same risk factors for future pregnancies, but a down side being unable to measure clear margins afterwards, as there is not the same tissue sample removed for testing, so the success is less certain(?) and I don’t know if they would be appropriate for my problem (CIN3). I just really want to be as informed as possible before going ahead with the surgery.

When I had the biopsies taken, it was quite traumatic, I felt disregarded and not listened to. The consultant was so pushed for time, there wasn’t opportunity to ask all of my questions, the treatment plan was presented as ‘this is what’s happening and it is the only option’, he also said “We will have to do it under GA because otherwise you won’t be able to cope”, which felt patronising. If that is the case I will accept it, but I feel uncertain. I also know if I had a little more time to feel comfortable, I may well be ok with local anaesthetic instead. Pros and cons to both.

Aside from being terrified, I am mainly SO GRATEFUL this is potentially lifesaving.

Many thanks for your shared wisdom. Best wishes, love and light to everyone going through their own worrying journey X

I didn’t want to read and run.
I’m new to the forum but empathise with your situation. You should be able to ask what other options are available. I realise you’d posted this 10 days ago, has there been any update?
Take care
Lucy x

Morning. Ive just had my colposcopy under GA two days ago. Consultant spoke to me after I came round and was glad I was under as he said he took a lot away. Just thought I would check how you were feeling, recovering? Have you had your results yet? xx