
Hey there,

I had in May a hystorectomy for severe prolapse I'm 39 . So I had vaginal hystorectomy cervix and uterus, they left my ovaries. All was good I was in great form felt great. Did what I was told no lifting. Really happy I had the surgery didnt have any post op issues. Went in for my 6 week review ( which was actual on week 8) the gyn asked how I was and I launched into how great I was. When she said everything we removed as routine gets sent for testing and unfortunately cancer was found in your cervix. Well did my head go spinning ..I had had a smear in January which was clear loads of bloods for op all were fine, I had had a scan 8/9 months previous when at the gyn all was good. She went on to say its not the usual one you hear of mine is adenocarcinoma of cervix so smear/pap won't detect it because it's up higher than they reach. Of course I asked how bad ?is it all gone with my cervix?  To which I was told we don't know .i have to have MRI to see, which I hope to have in the next week and that's where I was left I asked will I live through this she didn't know until MRI was done to see what I look like . I lost my sister to cancer 3 years ago it was bile duct she only lived 2months from diagnosis her son lives with me now. My mum died ten years ago lung cancer only lived 7 months from diagnosis. So I've seen cancer at it's worst. And I am so scared. I know the gyn couldn't tell me I'd be fine or not because more has to be seen . But the ... you have cancer..... , now wait a week till we see what we are dealing with. I'm struggling with. It's great to find this site to read stories and see what people are experiencing and living through its great I've learnt so much just reading your stories. Feeling better from your stories than after gyn ......

waiting not patiently...............

Hi El1zabeth

im so sorry you have to deal with this but please don't panic. Even with such poor experiences with cancer and losing loved ones please keep your mind at logic and remember that cc is very curable.

I'm sure that they have removed it all and even if the mri shows it's in your lymphnodes there is treatments available.  Did she give you more info? How many leasion were found?, what size was the tumour? Did she feel your lymphnodes in groin area? Has she referred you to an oncologist?  She has given you this horrible statement but not any reassurance Or more info!

please stay positive as this will get you through the next few weeks. God bless

So sorry to read this. I hope you get your MRi done and results asap. Waiting is the worst!

I know as Lolli said it will be hard to stay positive due to your family history with cancer. 

Best of luck x