Cancer free! Feel a bit bewildered though, less than 2 months from diagnosis to all clear

Hi Ladies

I got the all clear last week! Obviously I'm happy but also scared and feeling a bit lost.  I don't quite know how I feel really.

I went for a routine smear test at the end of May, colposcopy and biopsies taken beginning of June, was diagnosed with 1b1 adenocarcinoma on 11th June, had a radical hysterectomy on 11th July and was given the all clear on 31st July.  Not even 2 months from diagnosis to clear.  I know this is good but I'm having a hard time getting my head round it all.  I'm not sure I really came to terms with the diagnosis as it all happened so fast and now it is all over, apart from recovering from the hysterectomy, and it kind of feels like it happemed to someone else.  My head is a bit all over the place anyway after my surgery.  I don't have to go back to the Marsden for 3 months for a check up but I'm still worried about the cancer coming back. 

Has anyone else felt like this?  I should be ecstatically happy and I am happy but I also feel a bit numb and bewildered.  And I know I am  so very lucky and there are people who are not so lucky and have real issues but I just can't help feeling like this.


Hi Jo

It's my first post on here. Think we have been on the same journey a month apart. I've been on Jo's often and have read some wonderful inspirational ladies stories. 

I was diagnosed with 1b adenocarcinoma at the end of April. I had a radical hysterectomy on 29th May. The next couple of weeks till my follow up were difficult, more sort of groin pain, swollen feet and a lot of mixed emotions. I hobbled back into my follow up, my consultant walked in smiling, said it's good news, no lymph involvement and clear margins so I'll see you in 3 months........   To say I was overjoyed was an understatement. I went back home and slowly my aches subsided, but do still get a bit of an ache in my right thigh. 

Well, I'm now due back on 12th September and yes, the worry is returning. I know I'm a massive worrier anyway so all sorts start springing to mind, usually when I go to bed. I guess we need to consider ourselves lucky in a way. So, just thought I'd tell you that I'm in the same situation as you and having exactly the same thoughts. 

Take Care, Helen x


Hi Helen

Thanks for your reply.  Yes, we are in the same place!  So happy your results were good too.  I think my head just hasn't caught up with it all yet.  I am sooo relieved but it still hangs over you.  I'm nearly 4 weeks post op and still feeling pretty sore and exhausted so I guess that's not helping my mood.  But this place has been such a help.

How are you doing?  Are you getting back to normal?  Back at work yet?

Jo x

Hi Jo and Helen,

I enjoyed reading your comments.

I'm around 7 weeks post op and my journey has been exactly the same as yours and in a very similar time frame.    I'm recovering pretty well from the surgery but have been battling with bladder issues.   I've just completed a third dose of antibiotics for a suspected uti and although my urine now seems clear, according to the GP there are still signs of blood in it, so it's been sent away for testing.  The antibiotics have made me feel really awful and what worries me is that cloudy urine was the reason I went to the GP in the first place, before cc was even diagnosed.  I'm having blood tests now to look at kidney and bladder functions, as well as blood sugar levels.  I have a great GP and excellent care from the hospital, so just hoping that this gets sorted soon.   Oh, I also have an inner thigh/groin issue.  It's as if my right leg has been weakened.  I can walk and climb stairs, but it's not yet possible to drive as I can't move my foot freely from brake to acceletor.  I don't know if its a nerve issue or pulled muscle after the op.  I haven't been able to find any one with similar symptoms but if it doesn't improve soon, I'll request some physio I guess. 

I made the mistake of thinking I'd been fit and well at the 6 week mark, hmm.....I am just so looking forward to being normal again, sometime soon!   Linda x

Hi Jo and now Linda Smile

I'm now 8 weeks post op, noticed a big difference between 4 and 6 weeks, so hopefully you'll pick up imminently. 

I went back to work two weeks ago on a phased return. I picked up a cough and cold from my colleagues and have realised that my bladder isn't what it was... Oh that cough!

Linda, you have the same leg issue as me. When I got out of bed after my op my inner right thigh/groin felt numb. It is easing now, but also have a sore outer right thigh if I sleep on it too long. Last week I had to climb a broken down escalator, got halfway up and nearly had to ask the folk behind to give me a shove up, just a bit too steep.

I think we need a few positive follow ups under our belt to give us a bit of confidence, only this and time will help all the worry of what we've been through

Helen xx


I think you're right Helen, hopefully with time we'll gain more confidence.

I'm happy to have found another floppy leg sufferer:)

Linda x

Hi Jo,

what you are feeling is perfectly normal I felt exactly the same, I’m nearly nine months post op and I still have good days and bad days but the bad days are getting less and less. I had my three monthly check up this week everything was fine but it brought back the anxiety, it’s taken a few days to pick myself up again but it‘s Like you are just getting back to normal then the check up is a reminder Of the past. I know it’s good to be checked on and I know how l lucky I am to have the all clear but still hard to believe that I had cancer.

I wish you well in your recover.xx

Hi Caz

Hope you don't mind me asking, it's okay if you don't want to say. I was just wondering what happens at the 3 monthly checks for our stage? Is it just internal exam or scans as well?

Many thanks Helen xx

Hi Helen, 

They just asked me how I was and how my bladder and bowels were. She then did an internal I was supposed to have a vault smear as well but  she never mentioned it.  Hope this helps every health authority might be different though.xx 

Thanks Caz, yes it does help. Always grateful for information from ladies further down our line xxx

Hi Helen

Any time you want advice you are more than welcome to message me.xx

Hi ladies

It's good to hear I'm not alone.  I guess the fear won't go away for a long time.  We're in remission, not cured, and you read so many stories about it coming back.  But we are lucky and need to get on and enjoy our lives!  I'm glad everyone is doing well :-)

I'm 5 weeks post op today and starting to feel more like myself.  I also have a strange leg!  I have a kind of numb, kind of extra sensitive feeling on my left thigh.  It's very odd.  I'm signed off work for another 4 weeks so will concentrate on getting out and about and building my strength up.  I can't wait to feel better!

Best wishes to you all Smile

Jo xx