6 weeks after Lletz - STILL getting discharge!

Hi all

I'm starting to panic (maybe unnecessarily). It has been almost 6 weeks since my Lletz procedure (10mm removed, Cin1, clear margins) & I am still getting pale yellow discharge. Sometimes it's watery & sometimes it's thick. Sorry for TMI lol

I never had this before all of this (or never noticed it?!). I also don't have periods as I have the implant

I've already had a round of antibiotics as the Doctor said it could be an infection, but it didn't stop it really

Has anybody else had continiuous discharge for many weeks / months after a Lletz treatment? And did it eventually settle? 
I haven't had sex / a bath / used products down there since the treatment.... too scared to do any of them to be honest lol


thanks so much x

Hi Aimee, 


I'm the same. I just had my first pill break last week and had a really heavy period. Now the periods finished I was expecting normality, but unfortunately the weird discharge is back. Xx

I'm now nearly 2 months post lletz & still have the discharge! I have been having sex & baths but hasn't changed anything.. body can take months to heal x