6 months after Lletz is it back

I had Lletz treatment back in february for CIN 3 and Had my 6 monthly smear booked in for two weeks ago when I went for my smear I was bleeding abnormally and I knew this I'd just been ignoring it and hoping it would go away. Anyway the nurse at my GP surgery said she couldn't do it and to try again this week so I went back on Tuesday and yet again I was bleeding. She said I would need to see a GP who specialises in this so I went to reception to book my appointment, she told me that I would have to wait until September to see somebody so at this point I had a melt down she soon got me in for yesterday. I got checked over by the doctor yesterday and turns out yet again I have something on my cervix and she has done an emergency refferal to the hospital. I dunno about anyone else but I am close to breaking tried to talk to my friends and I know its not their fault cause they don't understand but its just so hard Mostly I am sick to death of being poked and prodded all the time I feel rotten and also how can my fiance want me when I'm constantly having problems down there. The wait and the panic is ridiculous and its clearly starting to have a huge impact on my mental health And I am feeling severely body concious. I just don't think I can do it all over again 

Big hugs xxx

It is difficult emotionally and only natural to feel worried. You are going through difficult times and have done so well to stay strong up to now, please be kind to yourself. I so know what you mean about the poking and prodding, I had about a zillion Colposcopy appts when pregnant and isn't much fun. You've got this though hun and you can do this again if needed. We're resilient creatures and we get through it no matter how tough because we have to.

I'm sure your partner is with you because he loves you. Does he know about the cervical issues? I'm sure he would want to be there to support and reassure you as best he can  (men aren't always great at this sort I thing I find). Maybe a little heart to heart with him about your worries would help?

I really hope things turn out well for you. You've done the right thing getting to the docs and they are taking it seriously due to your history etc so that is all positive. Best of luck.