3rd time HPV positive with NO CELL changes


Just wanted to know if anyone has had the same results as me, as I'm quite worried. 

I had my first smear test 3 years ago with the results of no cell changes but HPV positive. Which they informed my immune system will remove the virus by itself and told to repeat my smear test the following year. I then had my second smear, with exactly the same results and continued my smear tests yearly. I had my third smear test results today with no cell changes but still HPV positive and I have been asked attend a colposcopy. 

Although there was no cell changes I am still worried about my results, I have read online if the HPV is still present after 3 years they will invite you just to check everything is ok. 

But I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same results. TIA 

Hi hope you okay how is your colposcopy ? 



I have just had a hpv positive smear..low risk as no cell changes. As im with my.husband 12 years I assume I've had in my system.a long time and will now be hpv positive constantly 

 I'm out of my mind worried ! 

How was your colposcopy? 

Sending hugs 


how did your colposcopy go?